• most of my memories at the moment are hazy but they do align with established canon:
  • I was mostly detached from the facility staff- it was a strange position to be in and there was no reason for me to butt in when the divisions handled their work fine without “corporate” supervision.
  • Lilith was legitimately an impressive ally, and we started to warm up to each other throughout our ordeal. I was grateful she was willing to help me behind the scenes while I took on Atlas.
  • Decker and I tolerated each other- we liked each other more than we liked Oz, but I’d never consider us anything close to friends. We could just put up with each other for longer before we started biting each other’s heads off.
  • I never liked Oz much, but mostly because he never liked me much. I was the only person he didn’t seem to have any patience for, and we fought a hell of a lot when we had quiet moments. Lilith had to step in and break us up before an argument turned physical- in Burger Town, I think.
  • Lennox and I actually got along fine, from what I remember. He was a dick and I didn’t trust him at all, but as we found out his story was true and we all started trusting each other a little more, I remember genuinely enjoying his company. I’m pretty sure I got a laugh out of him, once.
  • There are some vague memories of time in court following Oz’s actual death, and some even flimsier ones of my time before the outbreak.
nov 20 2018 ∞
nov 20 2018 +