• I remember my life only vaguely before joining the Nostromo- I know I did suffer from addictions, that it was a way to cope with depression that, at the time, was undiagnosed (and later that felt too overwhelming). I picked up smoking as a way to cope, and sometimes went through packs at a time.
  • For a while, I simply bounced between crews, since I didn’t have any motivation to become a captain- Wey-Yu would transfer me to another ship as soon as someone more ambitious (who would, most likely, make them more money) came along. The Nostromo was the first crew I was ever with for any real extended amount of time.
  • I got along with all of the crew quite well, and while I didn’t engage in most of their jokes I did enjoy conversation and free time with everyone. I know, at some point, I developed romantic feelings for Arthur.
  • Ash and I were close friends, after he joined us. We spent a lot of sleepless nights talking, or just sharing the same space so we weren’t completely alone. It was nice.
  • I don’t think I ever admitted how I felt to Arthur, though I think I’d planned to after we got back to Earth? I’m not entirely sure.
  • I don’t remember the facehugger attacking me, but I do remember the chestburster- I remember the blinding pain, and feeling Arthur’s arm cradling my head so I didn’t bang it, and I tried to grab his shirt but I couldn’t get my hands to move right, it all hurt so much. I remember when I woke up my chest sort of… ached? like when you’ve been sitting in an odd position too long, and then it started to break free and I could feel it pushing at the bones and compressing my lungs as it moved, it was a uniquely terrifying experience, and hard to convey in words.
nov 20 2018 ∞
nov 20 2018 +