• I have a tooooon of memories about my User/talking to him? Like his favorite color was green and he’d leave himself sticky notes on his computer, and he was the kind of person who had an “organized mess” where it looked like chaos but he could find everything! and he’d lose his glasses a lot- sometimes just forgetting he’d slid them onto the top of his head but also like putting them down somewhere out of the norm when he was tired and then forgetting where. He’d talk to me about random stuff whenever he worked on me? not like he knew I could hear but just kinda to have some noise while he worked, so I heard a lot of stories about Flynn and Alan and the others while he updated my code- he also had the sort of voice where you could tell he was smiling as he talked, so it was always nice getting to listen to him (he smiled a lot). I also know I picked up most of the User phrases I said from Roy, like “put a cork in it.”
  • I know Tron was in the cells before I ever got there, and he looked out for me a lot when I was new to the games- we got to fight together a lot at first, but when Sark realized we were too good of a team he started splitting us up like 90% of the time. Tron really helped me adapt to being cut off from my User in the cells, and we got really close
  • I loooooved getting to ride lightcycles with Tron, it felt really freeing getting to zoom around and work together to trap the enemy programs in our maze- despite what happened with Flynn and Crom, it was really rare that we’d have to combat fellow conscripts, usually it was programs who’d turned to the MCP’s side that Sark didn’t see as useful outside of the games
  • I only remember a little bit about Crom, but I know he was around for a few days before he got derezzed? He and I got to be buddies, and I remember Crom fidgeted and gestured with his hands a lot. He was a really nice guy
  • Flynn was also in the cells with us for a few days before we got the chance to break out. At first I hadn’t really intended to make friends with him, because I figured he’d just get derezzed like everyone else, but later he became kinda like a brother to me? He joked around a lot and said weird things (like calling the MCP a tightass) but overall he was really nice. I remember he liked to go to ruffle my hair? but because I had my helmet on he just kinda pushed my head forward- it made me laugh. Flynn smiled a ton, and would laugh at his own jokes even if Tron and I didn’t get them- he had freckles too, I’m pretty sure
  • I remember I had a Bit before I was taken to the cells, and it was always really excitable and liked to bump my shoulder when it got really wound up about something. I remember a lot of programs had Bits, but it wasn’t like a pet where you picked one out? your Bit would just kinda attach to you and follow you around, and sometimes it’d leave if it decided it didn’t like you, but for the most part they’d stick around permanently
  • I have some kinda odd bits of memories about System culture too? Like, love/relationships didn’t look anything like it did for Users? like if a User couple was really tightly knit sometimes programs would mirror that because we picked up our User’s emotions subconsciously. Normally, though, it was more about trust and compatibility- like, I felt a lot of love for Tron because we were so compatible in combat in the games, and because I would’ve trusted him with my disk. A lot of times, though, couples were couples because their functions meshed well even if they “loved” other programs
  • Also, with Users as a religion, it was always very private, even between programs who shared the same User (they had different functions, and so they had different interactions with the User)- you also didn’t use your User’s Username, like ever. That was very precious knowledge and something you only really shared with a program you’d trust with your disk, and asking another program about their User was pretty taboo. It was also taboo to initiate a conversation with your User, it was really really rude, almost blasphemous to do so, because they were supposed to call to you + not the other way around. Deletions weren’t something that was ever really acknowledged too, because a User’s will was never questioned. Programs still mourned their friends but it was sort of a fact of life, and if a User found it necessary to delete a program you just accepted it and moved on
  • I’m pretty sure only completed programs could become Tower Guardians too, and that there was a difference between obsolete programs and completed ones? Like, obsolete programs had aged out of usefulness/relevance, but completed programs were still very useful, they just didn’t feel the call of their User because their User thought they’d reached their highest potential/were perfect. It was seen as a sort of enlightenment, to be completed, and that’s why no regular program could become a Tower Guardian
nov 20 2018 ∞
nov 20 2018 +