• The Warriors were a lot bigger than just the ones shown in the movie but we were all the closest to Cleon and the ones that hung out/stuck together the most
  • Rembrandt was basically my kid brother and he’d come to me a lot when he just wanted some support
  • I was really secretive about my actual apartment’s address and Rem was one of the handful of people who knew
  • Ajax and I actually got on really well even though we argued- I think we dated? He was sweet to me when we were in private (I'm pretty sure AJ was dating Cowboy too, but we both knew + were cool with it since Cowboy was one of my best friends)
  • Cleon and I were very close, we’d known each other basically forever and I think had grown up together
  • Mercy and I didn’t last long at all, she left almost right away.
nov 20 2018 ∞
nov 20 2018 +