Aaaaah~ I feel like I'll explode

I don't know myself and yet here I am

My dreams don't even make sense

I blow the smoke off a frozen cigarette

I stare at the stars and she smiles at me

She says something that I don't understand

I reply with unintelligible words

I'm calm again

I'm happy again

I'm about to wake up again

Just as she falls asleep next to me

That's okay

The universe is huge

The stars can wait

I feel my arms come undone

Like a misshapen rag doll

Yet they remain in place

Yes, everything is okay

I wake up

And press the keys on my keyboard again

"Good morning"

"Good day!"

"Aaaaah~ I feel like I'll explode"

oct 9 2016 ∞
jan 5 2017 +