• plays a musical instrument, including but not limited to guitar, piano, drums, or ukulele
  • has built forearms
  • is much taller than me (by at least 3 inches)
  • likes the same music I do or is at least open to new music
  • is either a band or theatre geek
  • has messy/curly brown hair
  • reads.
  • appreciates movies and enjoys nights in watching a good movie
  • writes poetry, lyrics or writes me letters
  • prefers to talk on the phone than text.
  • can handle all that is Abigail Rae, who is a strong female figure.
  • doesn't judge me when I'm crazy
  • is a total geek and embraces it.
  • isn't self centered or overly confident, but certainly knows who he is and isn't afraid to share it.
  • surprise visits me.
  • has a goofy laugh that instantly makes me giggle.
  • is artsy and does stuff like paint, write, blog, take pictures, plays music and stuff like that
  • enjoys visiting art museums.
mar 2 2012 ∞
mar 2 2012 +