2011 Reads
- Poser: My Life in 23 Yoga Poses by Claire Dederer
2010 Reads
- Twilight Series
- Harry Potter Series
- Skimmed dozens of baby books
2009 Reads
- "In Praise of Slowness: Challenging the Cult of Speed" by Carl Honore
- "Idiot's Guide to Yoga" by Eve Adamson
- "A Million Little Pieces" by James Frey
- "The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible" by A.J. Jacobs
- "The Compassionate Carvnivore" by Catherine Friend
- "Enlightenment for Idiots" (a novel) by Anne Cushman
- "Yoga School Dropout" by Lucy Edge
mar 4 2009 ∞
jan 28 2011 +