• shadow ghost
    • when i was very young i was convinced there was a ghost in my room but i wasn’t very afraid of him. he sat right in the middle of my closet doors and was very tall, almost reaching the ceiling. i’d talk to him at night as a way to comfort myself and i kind of accepted him as a guardian angel to watch over me at night. i saw him nearly every night from the ages of probably 6-10, then he stopped showing up. i’m pretty sure it was just a shadow from my window on my wall and me being a really sad kid that combined into me making a ghost friend lol
  • my kitchen ghost
    • sometimes i think my apartment is haunted. i woke up in the dead of night and saw some misty/wavy 7-8 foot tall figure just standing in the middle of my room, fully shaped like a man, and i stared at him for a solid 30 seconds before i audibly said “nah” and flipped over and went back to sleep. Since then, i’ve heard random noises in our kitchen of things being moved and messed with despite no one else being home, as well as our oven literally malfunctioning and almost burning our apartment down and occasionally finding my blinds messed with. He’s pretty chill tho. i think he might sleep in my closet
feb 4 2023 ∞
feb 7 2023 +