• About fandom purity culture: I don't need to hold your hand and tell you that fiction ≠ reality, but FICTION ≠ REALITY. Fictional depiction of X does not necessarily mean condoning of X. Block me if you can't get it through your skull.
  • Don't follow if you are an anti or hate fujoshi. I don't have time for your racism and misogyny.
  • I am pro-shipping. Even if I don't like some ship, I support people's right to ship whatever they want. 'Cause you know... it's fiction, y'all.
  • If you think MSG causes headaches, just say you're racist and go. This is really a deal-breaker for me. Don't fucking @ me about MSG.
  • My public twitter is SFW.
  • No racists, homophobes, transphobes, bi/pan/aphobes, queerphobes, exclusionists, TERFs/SWERFs/radfems, etc.
  • Fuck communism, fascism, and authoritarianism.
aug 21 2019 ∞
aug 30 2019 +