ALL THE DREAMS~ that i can find~
- (2/10/25) i had all sorts of dreams last night but i dont rememebr a single one!
- (2/8/25) I had a dream where it was super windy and foresty and people were cutting limbs off of trees so it wouldn't hurt houses and there were tree limbs on the floor and floating in the air somehow and I went home to sleep then I didn't wake up in time for work and slept quite late then had to call in and explain and Brian picked up the phone it was hard to hear him but we had a nice conversation
- (2/4/25) I had a dream about this friend and how they had an ex we were talking about and I was mocking this ex in the dream and I learnt lore of both fake people and then my friend and I took a bubble bath but the bubbles kept coming
- (1/31/25) I had a dream that the deli department was on a train but a huge one so I kept forgetting we were on a train and I was talking with my coworkers about whatever and then two people snuck up to the hotbar to try and steal and I almost didn't catch them because they were wearing dark clothing like my uniform but I did and I scolded them both and then praised them because they almost got me and then I started making their little bowls and hissyfit was there on the counter for some reason
- (1/24/25) I had a dream I think the world was ending and turning to molten rock, idk I'm forgetting it very fast
- (1/18/25) I had a dream that Connor got turned into a bakery associate instead and I kept being sad that I wouldn't see him and that he wouldn't talk or text me and for some reason the bakery moved and I went into the shared cooler and he was there and we talked and it was nice that I forgot to tell him he's been hurting my feelings
- (1/17/25) I had a dream about some man from corporate was watching from the inside how Ingles was ran and I thought he was new so I was making conversation with him occasionally and it was when night shift and morning shift had hours interceding and I was doing my job but morning shift was talking shit about me all day because I can't hear and that was really hurting my feelings but I powered through and for some reason all of night shift got a warning and I think miss Eileen said that they deserved it and I thought it was another insult to me so I came over and went 'deserve what?' and I went on a tangent being professional of how I do my job well and with confidence and I told the corporate guy that too, and how I'll teach him well and that is be good of it and then he revealed he was from corporate but he flirted with me and went 'good enough to take you out?' and I huffed and ran off
- (1/17/25 earlier) I had a dream there was an active shooter at work and I just so happened to clock out and people started quickly leaving and I got Tina, Isiah, Skylar, and Jessica and bryan in the car and we kept driving around to get back to where i lived because somehow that was the safest agreed option and I was following this bus for my town and they kept driving weird and speeding someone was really bitchy and like 'we have to save ourselves' and I don't remember who that was and somewhere the bus was getting followed by a cop car and they both literally disappeared infront of me
- (1/11/25) I had a dream Zac and I were talking on discord I don't know what about but the only messages I remember was one from me drawing another platonic borderline romantic gesture because I can't physically do it yet and Zac sent a message saying 'mm mwhh mwanmmn mwhh' and I was confused but i chuckled because i think he was tired
- (1/9/25) I had a dream about how trish was hurting my feelings and I couldn't hear her but I knew she was being cruel and then I walked away and she let me which was new for my dreams and for some reason Zac was there and I flopped by him and asked if I was a decent person and he told me that I was and he looked worried for me so i tried to make normal small talk which was nice and it felt like a couple hours with that with a few ones that were just the dream i think trying to do dream stuff because we talked about paper airplanes and if they were real, they would be biologically colored as checkerboards and we 'argued' over where the checkerbaord patterns would be and what direction they would be in also if they were domesticated how the pattern would shift and then i started feeling guilty over how trish made me upset and how i made her upset and i started to get watery eyes and zaclooked even more worried and was starting to move over to me and i woke up
- (1/5/25) I had a dream where I woke up from some sort of nightmare I didn't remember but whatever it was in the dream it scared me so bad that I did the gasp shoot straight up and Zac was by me and asked what was wrong and he also scared me for a second but I mellowed out and we made small talk it was really nice
- (12/27/24) I had a dream someone stole Jose and put him in a small tub and it was this house full of animals and other stolen things and I found a brown beige and blue fur suit and I stole Jose back and the fur suit
- (12/23/24) I dreamt I had eye parasites and that I saw them in my left eye and they were jellyfish like and I had a few black dots that moved in my iris and I told Trish and she started prepping this mixture and went "in told not to do this but it works" and she poured it in my eye and told me it'd burn but it didn't it felt very pleasant and somehow I knew there was alcohol in it and then she did the other one bake then Trish made herself a bath but bluebelle went inside willingly
- (12/21/24) I dreamt that I had the hotbar at work on top of my old one so I did both and everyone was happy with me and I had to go to the bathroom so I went and met this gorgeous girl she looked familiar but she gave me her number and said that she wants to try seeing me but she's off to Cali for my mother's side and I took the number to call her later and I came out of the bathroom and somehow Holland knew and was being really racist
- (12/19/24) I had a dream about the culdesac place I used to live at but if you went down the street one way it suddenly turned into this pretty stone city like the old London streets with a modern spin and there was a lot of water with anacondas for some reason but it was pretty anyhow and I took bluebelle because she loves traveling and she did well asides from the occasional train that scared her then I needed to hold her
- (12/18/24) I dreamt that I had a different pair of glasses and they had very silver screws and that I was playing with bluebelle and she spun around and hit me in my face with her hip full force and somehow unscrewed the glasses apart and also just wacked the fuck out of my nose so it made me cry I wasn't actually sad it just fuckin hurt and then when I tried to screw in the screws myself it somehow fucked up the lenses?? But I had a spare for some reason and took my glasses to Trish to see if her small screwdriver would fix them and somehow she broke my other pair of glasses and I was strained
- (12/18/24) Oh I remember my other dream I dreamt that I was trying to carry something like a oblong wooden box but I couldn't and it weighed 124 pounds because a label said so and I was following someone and I just kept dragging it along and the person I was following kept complaining that I wasn't doing welle enough and I told them "this box literally weighs more than I do! I'm 84 pounds!"
- (12/14/24) i had a dream where connor texted me in the middle of the night and told me that things didnt work out with bri and i asked if he needed anything and he asked for company and i drove over to where i guess he lived and i just comforted him because he was really upset and he leaned his head on my shoulder and i got so flustered because physical contact and i woke up and i felt bad that i woke up because i wanted to comfort him more
- (12/9/24) i had a dream about limbus company except it was just wizard101
- (11/1/24) dreamt about how in the fridge iwas getting a drink and we were almost out of apple juice and i thought man i should go to the store so i do and i get another and i put it in the fridge and it doesnt even leave my hand and its almost immediately empty again so i keep gonig to the store and the same thing keeps happening theyre all half empty and i decide to pour the half empty ones into yknow the other ones BUT THEY ALL STAY HALF EMPTY and it made me confused and annoyed
- (10/27/24) 'I had a dream that i was on pine ridge with an old friend someone else and someone else and i couldnt focusbfor the life of me so the roleplay started without me and ot was one wheree lookong for trinkets and i was vibe so it worked bit ijoined late and when i did ditz joked that every roleplaybwe did that was trinket finsing for me was a atruggle for her and we laughed and i asoed what her favorite was again and she aaid hurt and comfort ones and i told her she didnt change in a good way and then i woke up' (A NICE DRREAM FINALLY)
- (10/25/24) 'I had a dream avot the zombie aplocolypaw and that it was at country home again but there waas not alot of food there so i scoutedbour for the bodies mom tobtobget foos and o tot rbis fastfoos place and got burger and really eeally bad pancakes ans rhen called deepy and we had a noce text and for some reason she talked and then i told her to please quiiet down and she did but for some reason she started talkong again ans it was so loud when i tried to tuen the colume down it wasnt workingenoigh and the deafen button didnt work then for some reason i was cowering on a room on this apartment conplex place that was a mashup of cunry plac and the culdesac seivewaay place amd knox was there and boomer and bluebelle suddenly and i was hushing them bc knox started barking so the others did too and then church joined call ans then despt talked to church like it was normal and then i kept begging them to be quirt and then clyde joined then i left the call and i woke up' (yeah)
- (10/24/24) dreamt about how hissyfit was killing a finch outside and i didnt get to them in time to stop hissyfit from killing it so i was sad and buried it and made it a little coffin and when i came abck hissyfit was bleeding from her mouth and i freaked out and woke up
- (10/18/24) TMI dream about gore and how i thought i lost my kidney but it was just calcified mass of gore and yada yada
- (10/17/24) dream that like.. was logged, but didnt have anything it just says 'oh no ): bad dresm'
- (10/14/24) dreamt that i was bive and trying to hide from people asking about repressed memories in this like black void with water it looked like an out of bounds map and i snuggled away and napped and it was a great nap
- (10/14/24) (EARLIER) I had a dream that i moved out somewhere and holland was being bitch because he had to take care of hsi wife then i told him that ill take his things and i did and i kept talking his things like you do with children but he kept being an aashole
- (10/9/24) 'had a dream were childhood friend was here for some reason but she didnt talk to me and instead made a perfume i think so i guess that was okay' (yeah)
- (10/6/24) I had a dream about this new minecraft server that feels like strawberry lemonade and we just started and i remember it was one i think lu made with a few mods i forgot but during stuff and things i was making a rabbit pen and the others were working on a house this weird cyclops came from the ice and fire mod except its health was crazy like 1234324 health those lines of numbers and i lead it away and fought it and somehow won and the others encouraged me to beat it and i remeber this one section of the fight i almost died but lived and with my fight with the cyclops i killed something else that was a boss immediately and then it dropped the mob as a trophy maybe you could rightclick and it was loot and placeable idk but i did win against the cyclops and when i did and came back home everyone wasnt very interested except this one guy who i dont know at all in the dream but he felt familiar
- (10/2/24) 'I had a dream my glasses beoke again and i was trying to fox them bevause it brole where screws were just loose and for some reason there was energy drinks spillong oit and following me i forgot the brand i knew it in the dream and kemuko was there i think we were talking and then i had to run again because the energy drink flood was adter me' (THIS ONES JUST REALLY FUNNY TO ME)
- (9/30/24) assault dream, L
- (9/28/24) dreamed about being back in school again but i was alot younger and i got thrown into classes that werent mind but no one minded and eventually school ended and the bus was late so no one could go home andd trish like showed up and started insulting me and said specifically "why cant YOU have fun and be enjoyable? theyre normal and theyre fine." and that really hurt my feelings and she noticed and sighed and left and then i went into tears
- (9/14/24) dreamed about being pinned down and this faceless man ripping out my teeth with pliers and i could feel it and he kept degrading me and told me the more i tried to get the way the more he would make the next yank more painful and i tasted the blood pool in my mouth and i woke up
- (8/31/24) i dreamt about swiss and this other cat that i didnt know and i dont know what happened because apperently in the log i got woken up by real life swiss meowing
- (8/20/24) i had a dream about this weird Japanese game show but it had some sort of lizard mascot costume that was huge and it had its own weird fake pond and there were two guys thay were like 'is this so and so?' And another was like 'yup' but the other guy was in on the joke and i forgot the rest
- (8/20/24) (EARLIER) i had a dream where i went fishing and it was pleasant and then i hooked a cat and i dropped the fishing rod and scooped the cat out of the water and apologized and it told me it was okay and they forgive me but i kept crying because i felt bad
- (8/9/24) I had a dream trish holland and i went to some store that had alot of merch for yknow minecraft and stuff and they had reptiles and bugs and i kept staring at this one packing thing that was fish and an axolotl in very small packaging thingy alive and for some reason they were happy somehow i knew that also was the size of three quarters and was white i think i saw a blue one too
- (8/8/24) '..weird dream i cant talk about' (thats okay past me you keep your secrets)
- (8/7/24) dreamt a really fun dream where trish was nice to me, and kept playfully taunting how i need more sleep and how in my sleep i toss and turn and snore in my sleep and how i sounded like hollywoods expectation of how wolves sound
- (8/2/24) I had a dream i knew a childhood friend again and trish and i went over to this house i could only assume was hers but her mom wasnt hers and she gave her old usual annoying the fuck out of me disrespecting me ensued that i tried locking myself in the bathroom so i wouldnt blow up on her but she fought me for the handle and i blew up on her and she let go enough for me to lock the door and just hide in there because i needed to calm down and i felt guilty now and she tried to bargain with me to open but i had enough and so naturally she gets trish and they talk back and fourth idk what about and then they disappear and come back several times to see if i open up but i dont because im trying to calm myself down and for some reason i thought self harm was a good idea and eventually trish lockpicked the door and muttered her "i should kill myself, you arent worth shit" and dragged me out and we sat at a table and she said how our progress was good and if we kept doing good we wouldnt get lost to time
- (7/6/24) had a dream where we had a dnd session or maybe we were like in it and it was weirdly scary like it was typical, and spooky but for some reason i was terrified and then there was this jumpscare that was so fucking loud it was deafening and it woke me up and i could hear it in my head when i woke up it was weird
- (6/26/24) dreamt about being in a centaur world and i was like a deer one, and the others looked down at me for being noticeably smaller and that i couldnt keep up but i had a friend with me and they would stand up for me and eventually i got fed up and humiliated so i ran away and asked them to run away with me but they were afraid of homophobia so they didnt come with me
- (6/25/24) i had a dream where i was leading pokemon for reason it was alot of little ones and then there was these stop motion like greek skeletons after us and i picked up a fletchling and then it started making sounds and then the other pokemon followed and then i woke up in my dream at my desk and i heard mono sing in call for awhile and then passed out in my dream but then i woke up again and then fleshie and mono were there but i was streaming and i fell asleep streaming and they were talking with one another and then they somehow knew i was awake and they both greeted me and asked what piece of rock paper scissors chess piece i would be with no context then i actually woke up
- (6/18/24) I had a dream where kemuko dmed me telling me they were uncomfortable with this person because they were talking about visiting other countries and they wanted to go to brazil and naturally kemukos there and from there and they talk and the person goes 'wow haha i can go visit you' and they werent kidding and kemuko asked if i could deal with it and i did but after we kept talking which is cool i like kemuko but the big reveal is that the other person was like.. also?? Kemuko? I only realized that when i woke up
- (6/12/24) i had a dream where i was given kittens to foster and i was so overjoyed that i woke up
- (6/12/24) (EARLIER) a dream where holland cheated on trish with a man and for some reason that surprised me and then he started mocking her for it like he didnt just cheat on his wife
- (6/11/24) dreamt about holland trish and i just going out and they were being openly cruel to me out in public and i tried to just keep quiet and see if they would leave me alone and i got busy with something and there was this stranger that also needed help and i asked holland to go see if they needed help and holland was being a dickhead to me and refused to help the stranger if i wouldnt do it and he called me worthless and started shouting at me and the stranger was looking really awkward and their family came around and then i felt embarrassed that holland was making a scene so i just started to leave and he just kept following and harassing me and trish joined in and they both just drove me to tears
- (6/10/24) had a dream about puppies crawling around in the front yard they had flat faces and they were so tiny and kept following chickens around that were also in the front yard and i saw snakes coming around so i put them all in the backyard and held onto the snakes and just petted them
- (6/7/24) dreamed about that trish was hunting me down and i couldnt get away and leslie died and that really scared me and brought me to tears and then a pine tree fell on the house and then i was really fucking mad because i hate pine trees
- (6/5/24) i had a dream of kemuko and they were a stop motion animator and i was watching them work it was christmas themed and then noel came around and they both really hit it off and then they left me behind
- (6/5/24) (EARLIER) dreamed about a bunch of just animals in the backyard roaming around there were armadillos, deer, tortoises and bears and a few fawns but the buck was stuck in the fence with his horns and he was just dying so i put him down and started whimpering and just hung around the tortoises, and then the bears came around and for some reason the father bear had beef wtih me and i had beef with him too
- (6/1/24) dreamt of this old country side trailer we used to live in but i could make it fly and i just kind of went around flying for fun
- (5/25/24) I JUST SAID 'zombie apocolypse dream fuck you' IN IT SO I GUESS THIS JUST WORKS
- (5/22/24) 'Jumpsate in my dream ough It was this ub Low poly dark figure that kept running down stairs tobget me amd he described meblike a missing persons photo andbthen just on me and it would disappear but govon over andbover Weird thing.. it dodmt describe how the body looks Or me' (yeah)
- (5/21/24) a dream about where there was this group of people with mounts and i was invited into the group but i wasnt taken seriously and we went somewhere, and then a couple of kestrals came down and they hung around me and one of them was impressed with that
- (5/21/24)(EARLIER) dreamt about this huuge cat tree in a thrift store and it was pink and it had little add ons that were purple and it somehow was an LPS brand and everyone was talking together about it but somehow it was too expensive for everyone and then we all dispersed and i walked past a woman on the phone that just casually said "yeah i got kidnapped from (INAUDIBLE) So thats where i must be from"
- (5/20/24) i had a dream about my autistic creature oc austin was stuck in a tire in the middle and rolling down a hill and he just never stopepd rolling and i was watching like it was an episode from a show
- (5/20/24)(EARLIER) had a dream where i was cuddling someone and making pleasant small talk and it was so hushed and quiet with background noise of a fish tank the one from my childhood specifically and i was hella in love
- (5/7/24) 'I had a dream where ir was a neverending loop with two people kind of fin' (what?)
- (5/1/24) dreamed that someone who groomed me when i was like 12 kept showing up at my house and i kept trying to get him to leave or leaving and somehow it turned into a texas shootout and then he had a heart attack and died
- (4/5/24) i had a dream where i got drugged and kidnapped and in the dream i woke up and i was hung and still feeling whatever the fuck i was given and my legs and hands were also tied but someone found me and was trying to save me when they found me but i was weaving in and out of consciousness for very obvious reasons
- (4/2/24) dreamed about having a disagreement with old childhood friends over something stupid and then everything they said was turning into nonsense and we kept getting more upset with each other because i think we both couldnt understand what we were saying but i got sweets in the dream as well at some point
- (4/1/24) i dreamt that i took bluebelle to the pet store and then lost her and then suddenly there was a bunch of black dogs and i couldnt figure out which was her until i was staring face to face with the dog
- (3/25/24) i had a dream that i was at this skate park in the woods and there was this guy showing this girl tricks and i think we were all friends because even though i didnt skate at all they still kept including me in things and we were laughing and telling stories and life experiences and the girl was so FUCKING PRETTY and insisted that she would put her hand on my shoulder when she could and i am touch starved so that made my entire day and she knew it
- (3/21/24) i dreamt about this weird crossover game that was roblox based and how you could draw doodles and draw them any sort of weapon for them and they would use it accordingly and it was like a tower defense game and i knew these childhood friends again that i hated with all my being and one of them kept being a gossip like they used to so i set a bounty out on them and they left and for some reason movie clips kept playing at random times and i couldnt see anything but the movie clips they were like ads
- (3/13/24) dreamed about being a foster mom but i was some sort of animal and i got my case approved and then went through this silly test
- (3/12/24) dream about how i was trying to cook a crab for some reason but he kept fighting me (IM ALLERGIC TO CRAB)and i was talking to tree about OCs in person and she just was ignoring me tussle with this crab and she told me she had this train, town and a station but it was a 3D model and tree mentioned the idea of making anne a person of color and have her be a useful way to present racism and how the 80s really hated minorities
- (3/11/24) i dreamt i was in a house that looked like mine but wasnt and there was a fish pond outside and i asked trish if i could go fishing there and eat one because i just wanted to and she said no and i decided to be petty and feed the fish instead because she also said i shouldnt do that either btu she was pissing me off that day and then i found a fishtank off somewhere that had moss growing in it and like a whole little ecosystem like i used to make
- (2/29/24) 'had a weird dream wher ebluebellenwas plating butbae wwre in a different hoise and i thibl evwrutbing was the samenbut she ran into this pole outaide and her back leg came clean off with no blood bit she winednlike she broke it Ans then i did the towel and cokd andnthe towel and cold for the oyher bit ans went tontraish and the bliebelle has all four of her paqs and trish and i were so confused and ahe told be to put it in the redder inaace' (what are you talking about??)
- (2/22/24) dreamed about going to a hospital with trish and holland and we were waiting for someone but when we got int othe parking lot holland hit a nurses car on purpose and then trish and i yelled at him and then we parked and kept scolding him and then it turned into holland and trish being racist and they told me it was weird that i wasnt being rcaist and then everyone else looked at all three of us weird and i seperated from them and just went back to the car after i threw my fit at trish and holland for yknow being racist and then i almost got robbed inside the car
- (2/18/24) dream about how i was driving and holland was there in the passenger talking about random things that i wasnt really paying attention to and he was in charge of google maps and we were in the middle of nowhere nowhere, and we were trying to get back home but it wasnt working so i was looking for hallmarks to pinpoint where we were but eventually i just got to see abandoned tomato fields and as a break i just left the car and started picking them for trish because i thought itd be nice and then got back in and then the breaks wouldnt fucking work so i had to coast everywhere i went and it started to get that feeling yknow andit was like this weird apocolypse dreanm but i didnt see anything and then we found a walmart and i really wanted to go in but i didnt and i was salty
- (2/9/24) i had a dream i went to this school with alot of fucking security and security measures and the guards there looked like the entire band of system of a down and i thought it was odd but i shrugged it off and bonded with one of the teachers and for some reason trish and holland kept showing up to nag and be petty about things that made me self conscious
- (1/21/24) 'Dreamr abot te sþart of a zombie apocolypse where trish was there But we both knew so we hid away in a really sifferent.. shelter? With a big big place full of machinery and building thongs Hissyfit ran out at sundown but i git her Boomer ran out once too but he liked listening [: and i woke up to hissy purring and shes kneading my arm I have to pwe Heheh oh i remember somewhere in the dream maybe i was home and hilland kept seeing me down a bunch of juice and i couldnt stop feeling thirsty Whichbi shall do nw' (yeah)
- (1/16/24) 'Ok im dome having nightmares i dreamt i saw knox throw up bile and blood and then someone kept talking to me how fast that can kill a dog and then something about a twisted gut? Please let me have a nice dream' (THES GENRES OF DREAMS SUCK)
- (1/16/24) (But earllier) 'Scareed Noghtmare I got sucked into a dofferent place It was like a game and i was chosen- but people go missing alot and and And i did and it was so scary i sidnt knoe wjere i was and i couldnt reach out to the other aide I couldnt talk to my frriends they couldnt hear le Annd there werre more stuck people and we were all heartbroken and one was famous for being a special color and pattern sorter?' (yeah)
- (1/12/24) dreamt about dinosaurs Yay and also dreamt about arguing about toilet paper placement where we hide it with golland a weird dream (yeah)
- (12/17/23) 'Wjat the fuck i had a dream mari hated me over a game and all of my characters STOP HAVING HATE DREAMS DUDE' (yeah)
- (12/5/23)'Wow I had a dream where everyone hated us Thats weird! think it wasnt my dream though' (Hey buddy it has to be your dream you dreamt it)
- (11/1/23) 'Noghtmare about rattlesnakes Its a bad scary nightmarenand i hate it Im tired and fristrCrssd's x' (yeah)
- (8/20/23) I dreamt about mind and how they joined me in a game in roblox and then we had a bunch of people that mind used to know that joined and we all had a mellow talk, it was pretty rad
- (8/3/23) I had a weird dream thst i was a doctor babysitting And that the tiny tiny child gor my phone and spam dmed gav Spooked me Specifically because gav didnt answer and somehow i knew it was someone else answered It was weird
- (7/2/23) One about the deck and two cars and squealling tires that kept approaching nad getting louder and louder and then i was gonna wash dishes but couldnt shut gate for bluebelle and then the sounds of squealing tires kept getting louder and louder then boomer started barking like he was losing his mind and then knox went running to me and the car came from behind beside me and it went through the house off of the deck and it hit jasper in my dream
- (6/25/23)'Dreamt about a weird party ans Holland started to gwt aggrwssive and hurtpeofpl Dream ensws with Trish foing to rhw hospital ans gollans unclnsiois' (yes i have no idea what this says but i shrug and place)
- (5/5/23) Had a fun dream about meeting new people but video game style and we met this dude that wanted to go to the zoo and then we went
- (4/10/23)Dreamed about how i was im this old familiar unfamiliar place but ive been there before in my dreams and old faces kept showing up from my childhood and i sent them into exile and then my friends showed up and i was confused but really happy to see them
- (4/2/23) 'keep dreaming that i got two partners' (what a win dude)
- (3/23/23) Dreamt i saw my ex when i was like 15-16 maybe and we both were at a hair dresser place but it looked off and they were talking and i weirdly missed them again, i kept my distance because i think they didnt want me around but still missed them
- (3/10/23)Dream about Cane and Jir and they were spending tiem with me but they made me so mad for some reason but i tried staying polite and then they noticed and i told them i had to leave before i got more upset and they got confused and i was confused too
- (1/30/23) (BUT EARLIER) I dreamt of the same stalker dude except they kept following us and just stood infront of me and wouldnt let me walk past them and they kept blocking the way and i kept stressing
- (1/27/23) I had a dream where someone kept following us and kept an eye on us but i couldnt tell who and i couldnt get away either and i kept telling people but they wouldnt believe me and it stressed me so bad that i woke myself up
- (1/10/23) '..i dreamt i got a boyfriend i got triggered in the end- since in the dream it felt very real and the last relationship i had was.. bad. bad.' (Just noting it down)
- (1/9/23)'..i napped and had a godawful dream dont want to talk about it' (Feel free past dude just need to log it)
- (1/4/23) Dreamt about this beautiful girl that was an artist and she showed me this shed that had this beautiful cave inside of it that went on for miles and i took Knox Rebel and Boomer with me and it opened to this man in thsi 30s riding a plesiosaur but it flew instead of swam and there was thsi christmas town he took me to with the pretty girl
- (11/29/22)'I had a dream about friends and we were able to have little abilities its weird it had ryan, cameron, some blonde girl and i think someone else?' (i dont know who these people are now)
- (11/14/22) it was like a weird bedroom setting like fnaf 4 but with two closets and this disfigured human shape that was white it almost looked like the fucking Cane look alike but different it could contort itself it could change like how big it was and how different parts of its body was and i remember before i woke up i just felt compelled to say that ill get my ancestors on you and it stop and froze and it looked scared and ran oh i remember i wasnt alone there was someone on my left and on my right and we were on the bed the right one had a flashlight and kept the Cane monster at bay by flashing the light on it until it teleported to another spot on the closet
- (11/9/22) 'Two dreams one was this weird.. Apocalypse deal but only minors survived Two a weird dream about elephants and Mal's mom??' (Okay can you be more descriptive past me)
- (11/8/22) 'I had a dream where I killed Mal bro What the fick i cant remember most of it i remember arguing with Mal over awyer WHOS HE CUTEST CAT and Mal wanted to take sawyer and i said no and then i shoved them and they fell into a tub that wasnt there before and i didnt even push hard enough and just stopped moving' (Word past me, word also yeah what the fuck who is that)
- (10/29/22) 'Trish woke me up but i had a weird dream about minecraft wasnt entirely minecraft but it was' (Very Inspiring words from the source)
- (10/5/22) 'Apperently had a dream about minx philza jschlatt and tommyinnit and i was chasing tommy and mixn was talking about how great women are' (i dont know anything about any of these people then and now)
- (10/5/22) BUT EARLIER, AND it was assault sorry not sharing that but decent entry to figure out what flavour of dreams i keep having
- (9/27/22) Dreamt it was just this weird storm covering places and there were a lot of people and "i" kept following this girl around to their group where there was this weird bit? i dont know brid nesting for some reason and then her and "i" would leave and give me a cigarette then the bird disappeared
- (9/18/22) 'I had a dream about NEIL CICEREGA I dont know where I was but I was older like college age and I think it was a weird college hospital cross and he came there to preform for some reason and he did for awhile and I was high up on some floor that had railing to look down at him on stage and up there was the piano player for some reason And it was this redhead girl with really short hair playing at FIRST And then she would mix up the notes on the keyboard and everyone found it finny even he did amd some suddenly the piano did like a run out of battery die sound then start working again Amd then this girl she was so pretty too she had her hair in locs and wore pretty purple it complimented her dark skin She started playing for some reason and it slowly got worse it sounded and looked like she was forgetting notes And when she did she just eventually stopped playing and Neil looked so confused about it and DID LIKE THE SONG EDITS LIKE HES WALKING UO THE STAIRS TO BE UP HERE AND HES SINGING AND ITS FUBNY and then he gets up here and makes a joking smart comment about the girl playing the piano and then he pressed a couple keys then turned to her and me and started talking to us I think he was trying to be firm because the girl looked like she was disapointed in herself but I kept smiling and trying not to laugh And he like noticed and smiled and kept trying to stay on task about whatever he was talking about and I kept trying to hide my small audible laughter until I couldn't and he smiled and poked fun at me and her' (Another pulled straight from tha source)
- (9/14/22) Had a dream where somehow there was a virus in my computer and it leaked into the world and then holland noticed and got so fucking mad at me that he started to wave a gun in my face and shout at me and also a neighbor got involved but instead of helping me they also just helped holland hunt me down and they would swap who had the gun and i just kept running and hiding and i hid in the bathroom then woke up
- (8/30/22) Dream, it was trish forcing me to drive and i could barely reach the pedals but something was wrong she had like powers to move the car without doing or saying anything and like i was slamming the breaks and trish kept the car racing through intersections and i could barely turn to avoid other cars and i kept yelling to police but she was controlling the dream so i couldnt get their attention i screamed at one of them and the cop looking at me then trish looked at the cop and he looked away and in the same dream i think i managed to get away to a store like yknow the dollar store and i was hiding with this mom and her kid and trish kept sending things after me and caused like these weird hallucinations of words and sounds and it was like a horror game because the more hallucinations i had that werent words it was hear nearby and she got me because the moms kid started to see it too and the mom was okay "okay guys not now its not funny" and she even got scared because we couldnt stop then it was like a jumpscare i think she was just infront of the weird shelving and then it was just 'somethings' face that looked like trish and it jumpscared me it did the black background the scary face where her teeth are scarily long everything was kind of long but her lips were stretched so far back and for some reason there was spiders- little little spiders coming out inbetween her teeth and there was a second one like this almost EXACTLY except she randomly dropped dead on the floor
- (8/23/22) Dreamt about pretending to mourn but it was fun for some reason and it brought me alot of joy
- (8/11/22) I had a dream where one of my favorite people from early childhood hated me and wouldnt explain why and kept threatening to hurt me and i kept sobbing and begging and the nit turned into me sobbing and asking if them hurting me would make them feel better
- (8/6/22) I dreamt about this guy having a bag of kittens and threatening to kill them but i instead got a cop to kill him and i saved the kittens one was a long hair black kitty, long hair tortie and an average haired brown kitty
- (8/2/22) Another dream and it was about how salt was suddenly this big drug and in this big ring and somehow i was there but not there and i watched someone overdose from salt but i couldnt move or do anything and i was angry that i didnt overdose
- (8/1/22) Dreamt about being stuck in a Tornado perpetuating where ever i went kind of cool kind of scary i was very suicidal
- (7/31/22) Dreamt about Cane and Jir where Cane was sucking on this random piece of wood and he said he had to and it confused the rest of us somehow i knew it was poisonous and he would get a game over screen that would reset all of us and Cane kept doing this same thing over and over and he kept getting angry and kept shouting how its supposed to work but it just confused Jir and i couldnt tell him it wouldnt but Jir kept reassuring that it would work and everytime i tried to get close it it glitch out and break and reset but this time only I had memory of that reset
- (7/26/22) Dreamed about someones house i used to know when i was really little or some variation of it, and i wanted to run away because everyone was being super annoying to me and making me feel disgusted with myself so i hated myself and them at the same time and i did and when i did it turned into a narrated story kind of like the game 'The Paper Fox' (LOVED THAT AS A BABY DUDE!) and it connected to this farm house so far away and i got to have such a happy life and was loved and cared for by strangers better than my parents ever bothered to
- (7/22/22) I dreamt about being chased in the woods by a bear and everything was damp and moving and i was rubber banding back and fourth but then suddenly it made me be completely somewhere else and i was fostering a fawn and a little puppy
- (6/25/22) 'casn I please stay alaeep I had a rataouile like dream though But with a bat ir hink' (i dont know what this means)
- (5/29/22) Had a dream where i just beat the ever loving fuck out of my dad and that felt great because hes a piece of shit and he actually gave up and i started winning and telling him if he fucks someone else up as badly as he did with me then he'd be beaten int othe ground
- (3/10/22)I had a dream where i was starving and for some reason cardboard kept spawning and i shrugged and i was starving so i tried to eat it then an old friend starting arguing with me over not to eat cardboard and we kept yelling at each other i kept shouting how i cant find anything to eat and when i did it would disappear and they called me ridiculous and stupid
- (6/11/21) I had a dream me and an ex friend were running through a town at night n ex friend wanted to show me this cool place. She kept telling me that I knew what tonight was but I didnt know, when we got there they dropped off something and then it suddenly got darker apparently it was like terrarias blood moon and weird shit kept popping out n coming for us, luckily we were able to run away and when we ran far enough fuckin chica FROM FNAF helped us out and took us in her house
dec 11 2024 ∞
feb 10 2025 +