> ♡ <

  • he has the softest Heart ever and is so Pure
  • dh:"you may not know but youngjae really thinks about the fans a lot", he's considerate of those close to him
  • when he's bouncing and jumping around happily(like literally he's always jumping up and down, the ball of sunshine)
  • most of his fashion is him being comfy> ♡ <
  • his deep singing voice and soothing speaking voice
  • he's so open-minded and very smart
  • his sense of humor and it's not only me but he Always makes the boys laugh, he is such a mood maker
  • they way he is getting so animated when talking
  • YOUNGJAE AND HIS DANCING, he's so adorable
  • his taste in music
  • cutest nose(boop)and lips
  • his eyes when he laughs, little moons
  • the sound of his laugh
  • when he's yelling in excitement(i just love him being loud)
  • his stage presence, he's so eye catching, i can't take my eyes off of him (he gave off the prince vibe when i saw him live, he's x1000 times more beautiful)
  • ONCE AGAIN HIS VOICE!!!!!HE'S EXTREMELY TALENTED(the boy got me crying so many times)

he just makes me love him more and more every single day

dec 7 2017 ∞
may 4 2018 +