- artist-mode
- C-c C-a l artist-select-op-line
- C-c C-a p artist-select-op-poly-line
- query-replace
- M-x electric-indent-mode
- C-x <SPC> rectangle-mark-mode
- C-x r M-w copy-rectangle-as-kill
- C-x r y yank-rectangle
- C-x r o open-rectangle
- M-x gud-gdb (old gdb mode)
- align
- M-c capitalize-word
- C-x C-e eval-last-sexp
- C-u M-| shell-command-on-region
- C-c C-k kill-compilation
- setenv
- kill-rectangle
- set-buffer-file-coding-system
- view-lossage
- C-x z [z z z...] repeat command
- C-u C-SPC [C-SPC...] jump to position popped from local mark ring
- C-x C-SPC [C-SPC...] jump to position popped from global mark ring
- toggle-truncate-lines
- C-x + balance-windows (equalize their sizes)
- xterm-mouse-mode
- C-h b show bindings
- C-M-f forward sexp (e.g. balanced parenthesis, braces, brackets)
- C-M-b back sexp
- C-q tab insert tab
- C-x 3 split-window-horizontally
- C-x 0 delete-window
- C-x { shrink-window-horizontally
- C-x } enlarge-window-horizontally
- C-x C-x select previous region
- C-c [ shift-left (custom)
- C-c ] shift-right (custom)
- M-m back-to-indentation
- C-x . set-fill-prefix
- C-c g goto-line
- M-: eval-expression
- M-; comment-dwim
- C-x ( start recording a macro. end with C-x ). replay with C-x e. repeat replay with e.
- C-\ toggle-input-method. for inserting special characters.
- C-u C-spc jump to previous mark
- C-x / <letter> set register to point
- C-x j <letter> jump to register point
- C-M-s isearch-forward-regexp
- C-r isearch-backward
- C-x C-q toggle read-only
- M-z <char> zap-to-char
- M-h mark-paragraph
- M-% interactive search and replace
- C-M-a previous function
- C-M-e next function
- M-u uppercase word
- M-l lowercase word
- C-x v l cvs log
- C-x v = cvs diff
- M-n diff mode: next hunk
- M-p diff mode: prev hunk
- M-k diff mode: kill hunk
- C-c C-\ shell mode: comint-quit-subjob
- C-c C-f sgml-mode-skip-tag-forward
- C-c C-b sgml-mode-skip-tag-backward
- C-c t adam-insert-timestamp
- M-. find-tag
- M-\ delete-horizontal-space
- M-^ delete-indentation
- C-x ESC ESC redo previous complex command (use M-p to go back to previous commands)
- C-x r m set bookmark
- C-x r b jump to bookmark
- M-2 compile (adam)
- C-x ` next compilation error
- M-0 or F10 operate menu in menu-bar-mode
- cperl-perldoc
jan 9 2009 ∞
feb 21 2019 +