Start Date: 30/06/21 End Date: 07/08/21

Genre/Tropes: Self help, philosophy, psychology, religion, politics

Summary: Quite literally the title

Thoughts: This book was also quite hard to read. I could only get to 30 pages per reading session before I got overloaded with information and had to take a break so I only reserved 30 pages a day to reading this. But when reading this I had a lot of realizations about everyday life including work dynamics and family. I don't know why Jordan Peterson gets a lot of shit from everyone cuz I think he has a really deep understanding of the world and history. I think a lot of people could learn a lot and improve their lives if they listened to what Jordan says.

Memorable Moments: One of the first rules that he teaches is to sit with your back straight. And you may think well why? but he goes into detail about how not only does sitting up straight releases dopamine which eventually makes you more confident and self- assured and but also subconsiously sends a message to those around you to treat you nicer, as well as wards of negative attention from those who seek to bring negativity into your life.

Would I read this again?: I wouldn't re-read it but definitely go back and reference some key points.

Would I recommending this?: yeah i'd recommend it but take it slow

aug 20 2021 ∞
aug 22 2021 +