silly little things that stand out in my mind.

  • "Come on, let's go find Albequerque and Roach" "Alright, I'm just going to drink this badboy and -" "NO." "Aaaah. Okay. No. It's not bad. It's not a boy. It's an inanimate object, and I'm going to drink it!"
  • "He was here a second ago. I don-no where he went! 'Scuze meh? Mee drive? Aw hell no, Aaah'm fucked up."
  • When speaking to some rediculously hot male. "... .... ... Sorry, got lost in your eyes for a moment. You were saying?"
  • "We have a glorious selection of low-fat yogurts. Sllplplplplplspslspl."
aug 5 2010 ∞
sep 20 2011 +