to do (summer)
may 6 2016
wishlist (bday)
jan 30 2016
to do (this week)
dec 19 2015
wishlist (when i have money)
nov 5 2015
to do (stuff to get back from people in WF)
sep 24 2015
to do (Elsie)
aug 26 2015
wishlist (birthday)
jul 13 2015
to do (stuff i'm neglecting)
sep 27 2014
to do (discipline & shit)
jan 27 2014
books (things for a kid to read/watch)
aug 13 2013
family (family members)
jun 18 2012
films (faves)
jun 28 2010
events (birthdays to remember!)
jun 20 2010
music (favorite artists/bands)
jun 16 2010
books (that I love unconditionally)
jun 16 2010
books (to read)
nov 30 2013
theater (plays I've worked on)
apr 5 2011
films (I want to see)
jul 30 2010
theater (plays I've seen)
jun 23 2010
educational (Classes I've taken at Vassar)
jun 16 2010