- almendra - almond (Spanish)
- almohada - pillow (Spanish)
- altramuz - lupin bean (Spanish)
- añoranza - nostalgia, longing (Spanish)
- arabesque - in the Arab style (French)
- azahar - orange blossom (Spanish)
- azure
- bambolina - doll (Italian)
- Baudelaire
- brindille - twig (French)
- caligynephobia - fear of beautiful women (Greek)
- caricia - caress (Spanish)
- diáfano - diaphanous (Spanish)
- emmeleia - concord, harmony (Greek)
- ennui - boredom (French)
- étoile - star (French)
- florecer - to blossom (Spanish)
- habib albi / حبيب/حبيبة قلبي - love of my heart (Arabic)
- honeyed
- hoyuelito - dimple (Spanish)
- libélula - dragonfly (Spanish)
- lujuria - lust (Spanish)
- malemolência - listlessness (Brazilian Portuguese)
- melifluo - mellifluous, honeyed (Spanish)
- nepenthe - a remedy for grief {in The Odyssey} (Greek)
- ñoño - dull, crybaby, wimpish, brat (Spanish)
- orchidaceous
- pantoufle - slipper (French)
- papillon - butterfly (French)
- peppermint
- pipistrello - bat (Italian)
- pirouetter - to twirl (French)
- Pompeii
- romanesque
- schadenfreude - malicious glee (German)
- Schmetterling - butterfly (German)
- Schubladendenken - stereotyped thinking {drawer thinking} (German)
- snøkrystall - snowflake (Norwegian)
- Streichholzschächtelchen - little box of matches (German)
- tintinnabulate
- tiquismiquis - picky, fussy (Spanish)
- ya amar / يا قمر - my moon {my most beautiful} (Arabic)
jan 27 2013 ∞
apr 26 2018 +