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  • To be constantly edited and updated! Last update 06/24

Ahn Aeni was born into a beautiful, loving household. Both of her parents worked long hours in their respective jobs and she was left alone with her grandma for most of her childhood. Her father was a doctor stationed in Seoul and her mother traveling nurse around Gwangju. Though her father was never physically right beside her, he was the most loving parent that supported her dreams of being an idol. Aeni was at the top of her class, the star of every performance and a role model for everyone at her school.

With her father's blessing, she ended up moving up to Seoul to take a shot at her dream of becoming an idol. She auditioned for several companies and received a few offers in return. She joined the company of her dreams and practiced day and night with no regrets. Though most people complained about the trainee life, she was thankful for everything she learned in those few years.

However, on a dark night while walking home from practice, a car ended the glimmering dream of the hopeful girl. The drunk driver was swerving out of control and almost hit Aeni's dear friend and fellow trainee but she quickly pushed her friend out of the way. Taking the hit for her friend, the car ran over her left leg and ultimately ending her dancing career.

The drunk driver luckily came from wealthy, powerful family that swept the lawsuit under the rug and rewarded Aeni generously, setting her for life. She grew depressed and fell behind the rest of the trainees as she tried to heal and was ultimately kicked out of the company after 2 years of training. After a few years, she learned how to forgive the family and use them to her advantage but she struggled with finding a new dream.

Everything seemed dark until she discovered the idol that inspired her again. Instead of living her dream, she supports her idol's dreams and in that, she felt alive again.

jun 24 2017 ∞
jun 24 2017 +