• Oil of oregano - Boosts the immune system to help prevent colds/flu before they happen.
  • B-complex - To maintain healthy red blood cells and fight fatigue from any vitamin deficiencies.
  • Iron - To keep iron levels up from not enough iron retention in daily diet.
  • Vitamin D - To aid the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous, which have various functions, especially the maintenance of healthy bones. With a full-time job, I don't get to be outside in the sunlight as much as I would prefer. Taking vitamin D supplements can help by sort of pretending to be the sun. It also may reduce the risk of developing MS, it helps maintain cognitive functions later in life, it may reduce the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis in women, protects from radiation damage, lowers risk of developing cancer and heart failure.
  • Vitamin C - Fights infections, boosts immune system.
  • Cod liver oil - High levels of Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Magnesium - Magnesium is required for the proper growth and maintenance of bones. Magnesium is also required for the proper function of nerves, muscles, and many other parts of the body. It helps neutralize stomach acid and is good for digestion.
  • Micro Algae - Spirulina intake has also been found to prevent damage caused by toxins affecting the heart, liver, kidneys, neurons, eyes, ovaries, and DNA.
oct 31 2013 ∞
oct 31 2013 +