• Handwritten letters from loved ones
  • Emails from loved ones
  • Packages sent with love from home
  • Long phone conversations with him while lying on my bed under my covers
  • Looking up to see the night sky scattered with countless stars (something that can't be seen back at home in the city)
  • Cuddling on the bed, feeling warm and snug while it's cold and snowing outside
  • The pleasure of still being able to do things here that remind me of home. Eg. Playing mahjong, and enjoying food that reminds me of home (eg. rice balls, pineapple tarts, steamboat, Dewberry cookies)
  • Having fun playing with balloons with my room mates (secretly putting balloons on each other's bed so that the whole bed would be entirely covered with balloons, kicking them around, playing volley-balloon, sticking them onto each other's head)
  • The joy of having someone to cook and share food with you
  • The love and kindness that people have shown me, even when I am not an extremely likeable person
mar 8 2011 ∞
mar 24 2012 +