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"There was a time when it wasn't uncommon to use a piece of string to guide words that otherwise might falter on their way to their destinations"
-Nicole Krauss

alex music (words)
  • Acadia J.
    • Met in kindergarten
    • Best friends for a while
    • Made dye with berries and played in her basement
    • She moved away
    • We saw each other a few times at the school olympics
  • Sarah A.
    • Met in kindergarten
    • Told her and Acadia that they were my favorite best friend and they then got mad at me
    • My first sleepover was at her house
    • So was my second, and for some reason I got scared and had to call my parents to pick me up
    • She told me he other friend (a girl) had a penis and I believed her
    • I told her I had dawrf constuction workers building something in my knee space. She believed me.
    • She moved away
    • We had lunch a few years ago
  • Emily M.
    • Met in 1st grade
    • Her little sister Nina would always sit on our board games when she lost
    • Her mom made us rice balls
    • We spent thanksgiving at her house
    • She switched schools
    • We saw each other a bit because our mom's are friends
    • She had a really hard time with school and friends
    • We lost contact
  • Sonja L.
    • She came to visit my school in second grade
    • I liked her and asked the teacher for her phone number
    • We had a playdate
    • She came to my school in third grade
    • She told me she was now closer with me than her other best friend Sarah
    • We had an amazing time together
    • Eighth grade was amazing
    • We went to different high schools
    • I drank for the first time with her
    • We worked together and hung out every sunday when we were done
    • We drifted apart
    • I still feel like she is my closest friend and I can tell her anything
    • From what she has told me, I know she feels the same way.
  • Sarah K.
    • Our dad's knew each other from work
    • We met in the park near my house when we were little
    • We made a clubhouse in her closet
    • We invited each other to birthday parties
    • Last summer we did an internship together
    • We got closer, and realized how much we have in common
    • I can be really honest with her
  • Eva G.
    • We met in freshman history class
    • I thought she was obnoxious and loud
    • We became friends halfway through the year
    • I thought we were closer than we were because I wasn't friends with many people at the school
    • Our relationship was based on eating
    • She was a lot more experienced than I was in just about everything
    • I took her to maine to visit my sister
    • She went to an exchange program in germany for 6 months
    • I made more new friends
    • When she came back we didn't get close again
  • Heather O.
    • We met after hosana introduced me to her group of friends.
    • She invited me to a party
    • We started to hang out a lot
    • We got really close and had a lot of fun
    • We got caught by our parents for drinking and my mom flipped out.
    • Her grandmother died and to cheer her up some of my friends and I came to her house with pasta and flowers. We ended up drinking and I made a fool of myself and we got into a huge fight.I haven't drunk too much since then because I have bad associations with it now.
    • We started to fight a lot...about everything.
    • I did skiing with her at school and we fought more.
    • She offered me a babysitting job "because she was busy". While I babysat she hung out with other friends.
    • I got closer to Katherine and Emma and we were total bitches to Heather.
    • Heather sent me an e-mail saying she knew what we were saying about her.
    • We didn't talk for the whole summer and part of the fall. It was really sad and awkward.
    • Recently I told her how awful I felt, even though I had apologized before and even though it couldn't change anything. It actually did change something.
    • Now we talk every now and then online or at school
  • Katherine W.D.
    • We met through Heather
    • We became really close
    • We talked for hours on the phone each night
    • I told her everything and we were together all the time at school and on weekends. I told her my one secret.
    • We were exclusive to other people in our group
    • We went to new york together
    • She had sex and changed over the summer. I didn't care, but somehow it changed a lot about our relationship.
    • She canceled the trip we had planned to go to arizona.
    • Over the first weeks of senior year it was really awkward. I confronted her. We both said it would go back to normal. It didn't.
    • I went through a phase of half loving her and missing everything about her and half hating her.
    • I was jealous of her new friends and the attention she was getting.
    • We kept having conversations online about how we missed each other, but nothing would change.
    • We have hung out a few times, are nice to each other, and i think genuinely wish we were still better friends, but she is close to people now and I am not (not in the same way as I was with her).
    • I still miss her, and I'm still a bit mad at her.
  • Emma L.
    • I met her through katherine
    • She is artistic and thoughtful and we got along well
    • I was never as close to her as I was with katherine
    • When katherine and I stopped hanging out emma went with her
  • Priera P.
    • I met her through my group of friends
    • She was always closer with katherine and emma than she was with me
    • I could never decide how much I liked her because she needed a lot of attention and made me feel bad about myself, but she was also really funny. Besides, I had to be around her.
    • She also stopped hanging out with me after katherine did, and they got a lot closer.
    • I don't miss her.
  • Sarah S.
    • I met her freshman year, but this is the first year I feel we are good friends. I have always liked her, but we never seemed to get too close until now.
    • I think she is my closest friend at school right now.
    • I don't tell her everything, but I tell her a lot.
    • I think we could get closer, but I resist a bit because of missing katherine and my old life.
  • Allie W.
    • Like sarah, I met her freshman year, but I wasn't close to her until now.
    • I feel I got to know her a lot better having english with her this year.
  • Julia G.
    • We met freshman year
    • We never hung out too much until now
    • We have started to spend more time together now and I think we are getting closer, which is good
  • Lisa L.
    • We met sophomore year when she moved here from RI
    • I like her a lot and she is crazy and willing to have fun :)
    • I feel like sometimes I'm close to her , but sometimes I feel like she doesn't get what I'm trying to say
  • Riva R.
    • I met her freshman year
    • She is hysterical and she can make me crack up
    • I know her so much better this year than the other years
  • Alexi W.
    • We met freshman year, but I didn't speak to her between then and junior year
    • Last year we had english together and this year we have socio together and we have had a great time.
    • She is so fun to gossip with and we can get laughing pretty hard
    • I don't know if we will stay friends after high school- I guess that's true for a lot of these friends (except sonja). I hope I do :)

Stuff has changed a lot.

jan 22 2009 ∞
feb 21 2009 +