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"There was a time when it wasn't uncommon to use a piece of string to guide words that otherwise might falter on their way to their destinations"
-Nicole Krauss

alex music (words)

So I liked making those lists and I think I'm going to try to make one every week. Good:

  • I ordered a tall drink today at starbucks and they gave me a grande
  • I got to do homework and stay dry and warm in starbucks while watching the rain outside
  • I didn't study for my enviro test, but I think I did ok. Not great, but ok.
  • Today I learned that we don't have school on friday and it "made my life"
  • Math is canceled on wednesday AND it is first period so I get to sleep in.
  • I get to miss the majority of classes on thursday because of my math fieldtrip.
  • I got a new, really pretty journal (but unfortunately I still have around 40 pages left in my old one)


  • I keep waking up 10 minutes before I need to leave for school. This is a problem. Today I worked out that I hit the snooze button 7 times before I got out of bed.
  • It is supposed to be nice out and instead it is rainy. I actually love the rain, but I want it to be summer already!
  • I still haven't planned my summer and I need to get on that, but I've been lazy.
  • I am supposed to get a new invisalign retainer every two weeks, but I haven't gotten one in four months because of complications and my mouth having issues with change.
  • Stupid senior paper...and knowing that this will be all I do in college
  • Sarah wasn't in school today so I didn't have free D with her, and I missed her!
apr 6 2009 ∞
apr 6 2009 +