• seo joohyun was born in seoul, south korea, on june 28th 1991. it was always just her and her mother. she never saw her father, but her mother made sure that joohyun knew he was a god and because of that, joohyun might have some powers because she was a demigod.
  • joohyun started going by seohyun pretty much as soon as she started school. there were a few joohyuns in her school already, and one in her class. it was less confusing to call her something else, and ever since then she's preferred being called seohyun.
  • seohyun was very smart at school. she was always the one at the front with her hand up ready with the answer. she had a lot of friends who were unaware that she was a demigod, and her powers hadn't fully hit her at that point, so everything was fine.
  • over time, seohyun's powers began to show themselves, but she was determined to continue going to a normal human school. she'd find excuses for things. being able to see into the future? she called it a migraine. healing quickly? she just said it was a genetic thing in her family. hardly ever being sick? another family thing she'd inherited. on her twelfth birthday, she received a book from her mother that apollo had given to her, intended for seohyun when her powers began to show, that explained her powers and how they worked. this helped her to gain better control over them.
  • seohyun finished school and was one of the top students and moved onto studying art history along with archives archival administration. she had always been fascinated with museums and the conservation of art and history, so she wanted to go into a career where she could use the skills from the subjects she studied.
  • she eventually graduated and spent a while working in a few different museums in seoul, before eventually discovering arete. she left seoul and moved there full time and got a job at the kleos museum.
jun 24 2019 ∞
jun 27 2019 +