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  • take a morning or evening a week to breathe. the weight of the world is heavy and you’ll start taking your frustration out on the people who love you if you don’t take a minute for yourself.
  • make lists. lists for shopping, for food, for exercising, for things to achieve, anything. there’s not much that’s more satisfying than ticking things off a list.
  • try and be better. we all make mistakes but they don’t define us. leave your guilt in 2018 and move forward with an abundance of knowledge.
  • it’s okay to go awol every now and then. if you need to throw your phone across the room and not look at it for a week, that’s fine. remember that those who care about you might worry, so a heads up when you need some air might be nice.
  • write things down. on your phone or in a book, just make notes. how that cute waiter made your tummy turn or how incredible that soup tasted, or even an outfit you wore one day that made you feel bomb. it’s good to have things to remember.
  • stop thinking that you’re better than everyone else. if someone really gets down to Disney films or absolutely adores mainstream music, let them. if someone thinks that the only way they can possibly post an Instagram photo is if it’s got a certain filter on it, let them. all I’m saying is let people like what they like. you don’t have to like it too, but bringing people down because of what makes them happy is a nasty way to behave.
  • build bridges. friendships come and go but the door is very rarely shut. reach out to people you feel as though you’ve lost and see what happens. the feeling of reconnecting with an old friend is nothing short of magical.
  • enjoy it. the years roll around so quickly, make sure you actually enjoy this one.
dec 27 2018 ∞
jun 18 2019 +