• o grito da gaivota, x
  • a hearing person's jorney into the Deaf culture. x
  • pro tips. x

from deaf people:

  • about reading lips. deaf individuals don’t all possess and innate ability to perfectly read lips. only about 30% of spoken language is visible while the rest is indistinguishable without sound. for example, the sounds “pa”, “ma” and “ba” have the same mouth formations and unless you can hear it, all look the same. while successful lip reading can be done, it relies heavily on visual, environmental and contextual clues.
  • a normal person. in terms of a disability, I don’t view myself as having a disability…I function like any other hearing person can. my deafness does not deprive me of anything. I can do anything I want. except maybe sing.
  • ask before signing. if someone is struggling to communicate, and you know sign language, please ASK before you start interpreting. yes, we appreciate the kind offer, but not everyone is comfortable with some stranger intervening. Also, not all deaf people know sign.
  • awareness x
  • can you read my lips? x
  • x
  • deaf actors. x
  • fun fact. deafness isn’t bad or sad or a tragedy!! Ddafness is a wonderful culture with wonderful languages and wonderful people!!! the fics I write with Deaf characters aren’t sad!!
  • I wish I could do that (poem). x
  • inclusion? in a classroom? x
  • no advices about technical devices. do not, DO NOT, under any circumstances, encourage or promote the use of technical devices such as hearing aids or cochlears to ANY deaf person. Many of us struggled with these devices as children. ss we get older, we start to decide for ourselves if we want to use them. I respect people who their devices, but i do not respect hearing people who know nothing about them suggesting them.
  • listen. x
  • used to. I’m the only one in my family who is deaf, and there are still conversations that go around me that I miss out on. And I ask what’s going on, and I have to ask to be included. but I’m not going to be sad about it. I don’t live in sad isolation. It’s just a situation I’m used too.
  • laugh, i can't hear you, so I'll just laugh and hope it wasn't a question || sometimes, I get so tired of asking someone to repeat the same thing ten times in a row, that I just pretend I know what they’re saying and laugh if I think it’s supposed to be funny.
  • "you don't look like deaf" x
  • when talking with someone with hearing loss. x
mar 17 2019 ∞
may 9 2019 +