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  • 最後まであきらめないで(Do not give up until the end) (Yamashita Tomohisa)

Heartbreak library

    • As the time goes by the memory reminds, but the pain dissipates.
    • True might bitter but lies are worse.

My name is Kim sam Soon

    • "Let's love like we've never been hurt before"
    • "Let's dance like no one is praising us"
    • "Let's love like we've never been hurt before"
    • "Let's sing like no one is listening to us"
    • "Let's work like we don't need the money for it"
    • "Let's live life like today is the doomsday"
  • "Desires : The pot has three legs and it's called a three-legged pot these three legs represent the desire for money, fame and power. If the three legs are in balance,the pot does not fall. But if one outgrows the others,the pot will fall over." Sangdo
  • If someone did you a favor something big, something you couldnt do on your own and instead of paying it back, you paid it forward to three people. (Pay it forward)
  • Just close your eyes & Keep your mind wide open (Bridge to Terabithia)
  • Sometimes the world tries to knock it out of you. But I believe in music the way some people believe in fairy tales (August Rush)
nov 29 2011 ∞
dec 6 2011 +