• the storm will end eventually
  • it won't keep raining forever
  • just because you've never felt so alone doesn't mean you'll feel less alone later
  • sleeping all day sounds like a good idea
  • but it'll ruin your ugly ass hair and leave you feeling as hollow as reed
  • if you have a pretty macabre dream about mira, we'll probably be fine
  • don't worry about the white oleander, she'll have it soon
  • try not to be so obsessed with her please
  • when something goes wrong it's not the end of the world
  • perfection isn't only her
  • don't be sad if your not "perfect" like that too
  • because you can't love if you're both perfect
  • you still have time to restart your life i promise
  • i love you so much, keep taking the prozac
  • don't give up
  • just because your house and your life are a mess don't mean you have to be
  • i just want her body and wine
  • and to be perfect
  • and collarbones that cut diamond
sep 25 2012 ∞
dec 3 2013 +