• 1st: I'm thankful for having a wonderful husband who loves me for me, and works so hard to take care of us!
  • 2nd: I'm thankful for God in my life, for without him, I am nothing and would not be where I am today
  • 3rd: I am thankful to own a house and be able to call myself a homeowner because that's a rare thing this day and age!
  • 4th: I am thankful for my sweet dog, who always loves me no matter what, and knows how to cheer me up when I don't feel well. She's such a blessing to have :)
  • 5th: I am thankful to have warm clothes to keep me warm with the cold weather coming
  • 6th: I am thankful for having a wonderful mom who I consider my best friend <3
  • 7th: I am thankful for being healthy and having no health problems in my life
  • 8th: I am thankful for my dad and him being in great health. I love him so much!
  • 9th: I am thankful for my brother Kevin, who loves me no matter how often we keep in touch. He is always there for me
  • 10th: I am thankful for my brother Melvin who I hardly get to speak to but when I do it's like we talked yesterday
  • 11th: I am thankful for our veterans and their sacrifices
  • 12th: I am thankful for my stepmom, Anna and her fun personality
  • 13th: I am thankful for having food to eat as many are hungry in this world without food
  • 14th: I am thankful for postal mail and the postal workers who bring me my mail every day
  • 15th: I am thankful for accomplishing a goal and losing 5 lbs to start my weight loss journey
  • 16th: I am thankful for movies, I just love them!
  • 17th: I'm thankful for my ability to write and read, two of the biggest joys in my life to do!
  • 18th: I am thankful for medicine that helps when I am sick
  • 19th: I'm thankful for time spent with my husband
  • 20th: I am thankful for my ability to cook
  • 21st: I am thankful for my best friend Rachel, who has always been there for me no matter what, for the last 14 years.
  • 22th: I am thankful for my friend Elizabeth. She can always put a smile on my face and I love her very much!
  • 23rd: I am thankful for having a car to get where i need to go and a husband that drives me everywhere I need to go
  • 24th: I am thankful for the art of penpalling because my friends are so special to me
  • 25th: I am thankful for having enough money to do things I enjoy
  • 26th: I am thankful to be able to spoiled those I love
nov 1 2013 ∞
nov 30 2013 +