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Me: Bolton doesn't make me think of Zac Efron. Bolton just makes me hungry. Austin: HUNGRY FOR ZAC EFRON!
"I'm from Savannah near Georgia." --My
"My, what are you doing to your ice cream? Wow, aren't you quite the cunning linguist. That's probably what Chelsea's sorority sisters will teach her." --Blake
"I was stuck in an ass sandwich!" --Me
"You're an angel in blue jeans!" --Hungry Guys from the 3rd floor
"It's not creeping if they're passed out on the sidewalk." --Me
"I'm legally required to tell you that you need all 3 of these books. I'm only going to hold you responsible for the information in them, so if you can get it another way, then by all means do so. Personally, I think the publishing industry is a scam." --Professor Young (my English teacher)
"Twins dipped in chocolate." --Blake's answer to anything in The Game of Things
"Blake's feet." --Almost every girl's answer to anything in The Game of Things
"Irrogant." --Chelsea
"How are you supposed to stalk people within the legal boundaries now?!?!!" --Kathleen
"And we'll be like 'Get off our corner, bitch!'" --John
"We have a covered bridge and one restaurant... and the restaurant is family owned." --Solomon describing Euharlee
"People always thought she was the gay twin because I would wear pumps and she would wear her bi-curious shoes!" --Catherine
"At University of Tennessee, they have this thing called Panty Drop Monday. It's the first day the sorority girls are allowed to party after rush. It's mass slutitude." --Emily
Solomon: So they decide to be CEment on his leg... Me: Because jizzing on someone always helps in those situations...
"Holy fuckballs!" --Catherine
"Oh my god! This is like the ultimate weapon in Korean karaoke!" --John referring to the tambourine
"That's the last time I wave to anybody in front of you guys ever again!" --Jubilee
"Creep or die, bitch! Creep or die!" --Me
"Creeper for life!" --Jubilee
"We CREPPIN'! Creepin' and reppin'!" --Me
"Creeping isn't a lifestyle, it's an art form." --Jayde
"He's behind a wall!" --Melissa
"I'm gonna major in creeping." --Jayde
Jayde: I wonder if there's a class about creeping.... Me: You could probably create one for independent study!
"It's not creeping! It's... Advanced People Watching 1211 with... some not quite legal surveillance techniques." --Me
"Wait... how does Sam know him? I hope she doesn't know him from cancer camp!" --Me
Me: How did he get IN your air conditioner? Jayde: I don't know! Melissa: That's like 3rd year creeperism! Me: That's a creeper thesis right there! "How to Fit in Small Spaces!"
"We could make a sorority! Kappa Rho Epsilon Epsilon Psi!" --Me
Creeping 101 First Lesson: How to fit in small places Second Lesson: How to creep in the dark Third Lesson: How to creep and not get caught Fourth Lesson: How to cyber creep5th Lesson: How to creep on the go6th Lesson: Learning the "Art" of creeping7th Lesson: How to identify other creepers8th Lesson: How to put your creeping skills to use in the real world
"Well, our building is old and people are stupid. Therefore, fire drills are necessary." --Me