"Shove that up your clam bake, bitch cake!" --Bitch Slap!

"Ninja star from the cooch! Hell yeah!" --Emily

"Those lights look like tampons." --Kathleen

Aparna: What did y'all do in class today? Melissa: Ate a lot of dick! Aparna: What? Was it hard?

(From the White Board) Me: It's Finals Week! If you're not dying, you're not trying! Melissa: I'm dying! I want to live. Caitlin: Caitlin wants her soul back! Aparna: Sorry, you signed the "No Refund" policy! Jayde: Yeah, it just carries over through grad school and corporate America. You no longer own your soul. They told you to enjoy your childhood!

dec 7 2010 ∞
jan 8 2011 +