Arthur: I am not a sore loser! Arthur: It's just that I prefer to win. Arthur: And when I don't I get furious.

  • 3) Francis: I would be a very strong dictator

Francis: You would be my bodyguard and you would lead my army Arthur: I'm starting to get kind of turned on imagining you as a dictator. Arthur: Is that bad? Francis: No, it's okay. (

Arthur: Someone will die. Francis: Of fun! Arthur: And of murder.

Alfred: A friend? Buuurn.

  • 9) Alfred: Capitalism: God’s way of determining who is smart and who is poor.
  • 10) Arthur: Can you Photoshop your life with better decisions, Alfred?
  • 11) Francis: Oh my god I'm so hungover.

Arthur: I feel great. I ran like 5k this morning. Francis: Really? Arthur: No, I threw up in the shower.

17) Francis:

nov 2 2015 ∞
jan 1 2017 +