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hi! my name's kam! it's nice to meet you!

  • i was born before the millennium ☆
  • i use they/them and identify as genderfluid! i absolutely hate being referred to using she/her by anyone who isn't close to me.
  • i'm a computer science major with an interest in software engineering! i want to learn every programming language
  • i'm a sagittarius-scorpio cusp with a libra moon ☆ (every time i do my ascendant i get a different sign)
  • i'm a ravenclaw with hufflepuff tendencies (i refuse to use ilvermorny houses)
  • i'm very anxious all the time and wear my heart on my sleeve
  • my best friend is silver!
  • i have fibromyalgia and am physically disabled, so i talk about that a lot on my twitter.

other things about me:

  • i'm a big ol' furry
  • if you talk to me for 5 minutes you already know everything about me
  • i love to write fantasy! especially young, idealistic protagonists. i identify a lot with wishing you had the power to save people, even at the cost of your own well-being, and seeing or writing protagonists like that makes me incredibly satisfied.
  • i'm dogkin! i started feeling that way when i was around four years old and have been trying to find an explanation for years, when i came across when i was eleven or so. i don't talk about it a lot, but i'd prefer it if you didn't make fun of otherkin because of it.
  • i rp on tumblr! ask me for my urls if you're interested, or follow magi-ca, my precious daughter. i'm mainly in the pokemon fandom, but i have a fandomless oc and an ffxiv oc.
apr 25 2018 ∞
may 3 2018 +