★Timelines: 1


  • Cis woman (she/her)
  • Straight
  • Monogamous


  • Raoul @90supes
  • Would love to find Meg! Go back and forth on finding Erik.
  • I have an irl friend I tag as Erik a lot but we're not canonmates!

★General memories

  • My memories are mostly from the musical, but a lot of my childhood memories are from the book, and there's probably a couple things from the 2004 movie!
  • My mother died either in childbirth or when I was very young. I have no memories of her. My father raised me until I was about 9 or 10, when he died. Mamma Valérius took me in and continued teaching me what she knew about music, but when I was 11 or 12 I left to join the opera house and become a ballerina. After that Madam Giry raised me. I consider her my biggest mother figure, and Meg like my sister. When the events of the musical started happening, I think I was 19 and turned 20 over the course of everything.
  • My father was absolutely perfect. We never had much money, we mostly sang in fairs and on the street. Professor Valérius homeschooled me (I think he was an old friend of my mother) and he knew quite a lot about music. I mostly learned to play the piano from him. Father offered to teach me the violin but I was never too interested in instruments. Singing was my favorite thing to do, and dancing was my second.
  • Raoul's family had a sort of vacation home in the same town Professor Valérius lived, and where me and father were staying. They would come in the summer and stay until the weather got dreary. We met when I was walking on the beach with my father, and he with his father. My only scarf was blown off and into the water by the wind, and Raoul didn't even hesitate before running in and bringing it back to me. We were childhood sweethearts ever since, and the beach was our favorite place to meet. He was away when I left for the opera house and we lot contact. I might've written him a letter explaining where I went, but I'm not sure.
  • When I was at the opera house I never sang for anyone. I would only sing in the chapel when no one was around, so my father could hear me. That's where Erik heard me for the first time and where he started talking to me and giving me lessons. I would meet him there every night when the other girls had fallen asleep. Meg caught me sometimes and would always ask what I was doing. Once or twice I just said I was going to to chapel to pray, but soon I told her I was taking singing lessons, but that she couldn't come with me or tell anyone.
  • I never saw Erik in person during our lessons. The first time I saw him was in my dressing room (which I was given for the first time when I started rehearsing for Hannibal). But I still was completely convinced he was my angel that father sent from heaven, and we would swear love to each other frequently. I pledged my heart, soul, and voice to him forever and multiple occasions. He mostly taught me to sing traditional opera pieces but occasionally he would leave me sheet music of his own work.
  • I think I spent longer in his home the first time he brought me there than the musical shows. I have a lot of memories of how Erik looked making facial expressions under the mask (especially scowling in frustration at his music then softening when he saw me), and how he felt when he held me. I would wake up to him laying next to me in bed (nothing ever happened, he was always clothed and laying a decent way away from me- in fact when we did "cuddle" if you could call it that, I was always the one to curl up against him). This was also when he told me his name.
  • My memories play out largely the same way the musical does. I have vivid memories of the Music of the Night and All I Ask of You scenes especially.
  • Even though Carlotta bullied me a lot I always looked up to her and her voice, I thought she sounded divine. Her voice was so powerful and mine was much gentler. Me and Piangi were sort of friends too. He would wish me luck before every performance once I started singing, and I really liked playing lead romantic interests with him. Of course he would always take Carlotta's side in public, they were married after all, but it felt nice whenever we would have short, friendly chats.
  • Though the musical numbers didn't happen in my canon, Erik still frequently sang to me. He sang to lull me to sleep, to train/teach me, and sometimes for no reason at all. When he brought me to his home through the mirror, he sang to me a lot. And he sang to me during the Wandering Child scene.
  • I gave Erik the ring Raoul had proposed to me with. I kept the ring he gave me. Raoul got me a new, very similar ring when I told him. He never seemed upset that I gave it away, I think he understood.
  • After Erik let us go, me and Raoul quickly moved in together and essentially lived like we were married. It took us quite awhile to actually go through with it though, and even then it was a very small, intimate affair with only our family and closest friends. I think we both needed time to rest and come to terms with everything being over. We didn't speak very much for a few weeks when we left, or at least I didn't.
  • That being said, when we did calm down and warm back up to life and each other, we were completely inseparable again. We were the apples of each other's eyes, completely and totally in love. I played piano and taught him to play a little, I sang for guests, and we had two beautiful children, first a boy (we named him Philippe after Raoul's brother) then a girl (I don't remember what we named her). We had a home out the outskirts of Paris that we lived in most of the time, but we also had a small cottage near the beach we grew up on that we visited frequently. Those were the happiest times for me. I would often stay out on the beach watching the waves late in the night until Raoul woke up and brought me back to bed.
  • I could always sing very well, and sang around the house for family or guests, but I never went back to being a professional opera singer. I was a housewife and mother and that's where I was happy.
  • I don't remember how, because I'm fairly certain the Daroga wasn't a part of my canon, but I know somehow me and Raoul got a letter informing us that Erik had passed away. Again for a few weeks it was quiet between me and Raoul. I believe we had both children at that point, and he and the staff mostly took care of them while I grieved. I spent a lot of time in my nightgown just staring out the windows.
jul 19 2019 ∞
dec 4 2020 +