★Timelines: 1


  • Trans man (he/him)
  • Gay
  • Monogamous


  • None found
  • Looking for all the dads and kids (including my late husband) except Joseph and his family

★General memories

  • My name was Mike, my late husband was Greg, and I ended up with Hugo.
  • I met Greg in college, we had similar majors but his was a lot more advanced. I don’t remember what they were.
  • It was a year between when Greg died and when we moved.
  • I never married Hugo. I think neither of us felt like it was necessary, and both of us had been married before. He had an ex wife instead of a husband, Ernest’s mom. I don’t know why they separated, I don’t think I ever asked too much about her.
  • I didn’t have “scruff” per se, I was just really bad at shaving.
  • I was trans, and had been on hormones since my first year of college and gotten top surgery before Amanda was born. I passed well and was generally stealth.
  • Craig knew I was trans because he knew me in college. Hugo knew because we were together. Damien knew because I’d found out he was trans from another dad, and I sort of awkwardly told him I was too. I don’t think the other dads would’ve had anything against me but I just felt better not telling them.
  • Me and Craig were lowkey friends with benefits in college. But that’s all that happened, we were never boyfriends.
  • I basically had the same music taste since late high school/college. But it was pretty good music taste. Mostly stuff like The Grateful Dead, Beatles, Nirvana. Classics. Me and Matt got along pretty well because of this.
  • The first time me and Hugo had sex it was sort of spontaneous, we hadn’t expected it. I think it might’ve actually been after we kissed the first time when we wrestled after the show. Anyway I remember laying underneath him and he started undoing my jeans and I suddenly got really freaked out because I realized I’d never told him I was trans/hadn’t had bottom surgery. It was a lot of “so like uh, basically, oh you mean, well,” until I finally just blurted out “I have a vagina!” We stared at each other for a second before he said “well- I’m ok with that if you are.”
  • Amanda was genderqueer but generally fem leaning, she used she/her or they/them pronouns, and was either bi or pan. I remember driving her to different pride festivals, where she actually met her long-term girlfriend (I can’t remember her name but I know she was a cis girl). I went to the first pride event with her, because I’d gone to them growing up too and I was curious what they were like now, but I didn’t go after that. No real reason, I think I just wasn’t into the crowds.
  • I found out she was lgbt+ really casually. She she just started talking about girls she was attracted to, so I picked up on that pretty fast, and I recognized her genderqueer pins. When I was dropping her off somewhere once, I really nervously asked her in the car if she still identified as a girl. She shrugged and said not really, and I said “ok cool have fun!” It really wasn’t a big deal but I was so thrilled she was comfortable enough to tell me, and especially tell me without any fuss. I love her a lot.
  • Amanda was friends with the other kids, but like, in a babysitter way. She didn’t hang out with them on her own, but whenever everyone was together at BBQs or she was taking care of them, she was like their super cool older sister. I remember she was especially fond of Carmensita, Daisy and her worked on homework a lot, and Craig’s twin girls liked her a lot.
jul 7 2019 ∞
sep 3 2020 +