★Timelines: 2


  • Cis girl (she/her)
  • Bi but largely preferred girls
  • Monogamous


  • None found
  • Looking for absolutely everyone!

★General memories

  • 2000s AU! That 00s Show!
  • I was highkey the Cher from Clueless type, total pink babygirl 00s energy. I wore a lot of puffy cropped coats, I distinctly remember an inflatable, iridescent pink one that was totally impractical but I adored. I also wore a lot of ribbed crop tops and jeans, and collected cute sparkly pink makeup, even if it was just cheap kids' stuff that didn't work. I thought it was super cute.
  • Donna was an iconic lesbian sk8r gurl. She wore oversized flannels and ripped jeans, the whole look. We were girlfriends for a long time (kind of on-and-off at the beginning but we settled down) and I burned her a CD on our anniversary with lots of Avril songs. She also stanned Kurt Cobain and was honestly really into the 90s.
  • Eric was a huge nerd. Him and the other guys hung out every Sunday night and played D&D in the basement, but he and Fez were the only ones who admitted it.
  • I don't really know what archetype Fez and Michael fit into, but Michael wore a puka shell necklace. They got together during their last year of high school!
  • Fez also had a huge crush on Eric for awhile but I think it died out over the course of him getting to know all of us better, and falling more for Michael.
  • I was still exes with Michael, and we still didn't have a great relationship, but we mostly broke up with each other because we both realized we were gay. So we stayed good friends and would talk to each other about relationships and people we thought were cute! Michael was similar to me, he was bi and open to dating girls, but really did prefer guys.
  • Steven was also in the sk8r culture, but he steered more punk than Donna did. He started hitting on Donna when they first met but she's always been a very out and proud lesbian so she got him to stop really fast. Steven and Eric were the only straight ones and we would tease them that they should kiss, just to experiment. Neither of them thought it was very funny.
dec 31 2019 ∞
sep 3 2020 +