★Timelines: 3


  • Cis man (he/him)
  • Bi but preferred girls
  • Monogamous in a romantic sense but likes sexually open relationships


  • Robert @musicmutual
  • Looking for Jimmy and Bonzo, and maybe Maureen!

★General memories

  • I remember the names I used for the other members of the band were kind of important, especially Robert. I usually called him Percy, when we were like just hanging out and joking around. If I really wanted to make fun and get under his skin I would call him Robbie. Rob was like, a bit more serious, like I needed his attention for something. Robert meant someone was pissed when I was talking directly to him, but when I was talking in third person/about him it was always Robert. Bonzo was usually just Bonzo, unless again it was something serious, when I would call him John. Jimmy was always Jimmy no matter what, mostly because that's just Who He Was, but a little because I felt like he might smite me if I called him James.
  • We were all at least a little afraid of Jimmy? Like at any given moment? He was fine, like obviously we were all friends, but like. He definitely had the power to kill us if he so desired.
  • For example, I have a memory of finishing a long ass live show, and Robert tried to like pat me on the back or hug me or something, and I literally pushed him away like "no you're fucking gross go take a shower with soap." But Jimmy I think put his arm around my shoulder briefly and said like "good show" or something, and I just kind of made a face but let it go. I was not gonna tell him to fuck off.
  • Jimmy did that a lot, especially after crazy or long shows, he would always like make some kind of physical contact with us and basically just say "good show" every time, but it was cute.
  • Robert and Jimmy would go off during practice and studio time and stuff to have sex and me and Bonzo honestly got to the point where it wouldn't even bother us. Like we would notice they're gone and just kind of "oh well, guess we'll just practice our own stuff then." Robert could get loud but our music was usually louder.
  • I do remember them being kind of on-again-off-again though, like neither of them could figure out what they really wanted from each other. Especially when drugs and wives got involved, it was messy. Not toxic per se, just messy.
  • I'm pretty sure I joined the band the same way, like my wife told me she knew about a band who needed a bassist. I was a bassist who needed a band. So y'know.
  • Me and Bonzo were pretty tight, I think he was like the first one I became friends with. Then Robert, because he was friends with Bonzo. Jimmy was the last for us to really warm up to each other. For a lot of my first few practices I just kind of sat and didn't talk much, I just played what Jimmy told me to play. I do remember the first time I heard Bonzo really PLAY I just turned to him and basically said "dude you fucking rock."
  • I never brought the drugs to the party, but I really never said no either.
  • I was bi but honestly? I just didn't wanna put forth the effort of pursuing guys. Like I'd done it before and it didn't seem worth it to do it again. I think if guys came onto me I was down, but I didn't seek them out.
  • Yeah all us guys were cheating on our wives uh, oops.
  • Robert was literally a sweetheart. Like I would get annoyed by everyone at some point or another, just cause that's how I was, but I never stayed mad at him as long as I did the others. He just, would move on from things so fast and start treating you like a friend again no matter what, it was like physically impossible to hold a grudge.
  • I was a bit of a grumpy bitch but I also think I had a great sense of humor, especially when I was on something, so I think that's what really kept me around.
  • I didn't generally get hungover from drinking, but I got similar feelings when I came down from most drugs. Just a little fun fact.
sep 1 2019 ∞
sep 3 2020 +