★Timelines: 1


  • Trans guy (he/him)
  • Gay
  • Monogamous


  • None found
  • Looking for Larry, Ash, Todd, my dad, and Larry's mom

★General memories

  • I didn't really resonate with labels. I was fine with telling people that I was a transgender gay man, when I needed to, but I just preferred to be a dude who usually happened to date dudes.
  • My dysphoria wasn't crippling but it was definitely there. When me and Larry had sex the first few times it took me awhile to really relax and enjoy.
  • Yeah me and Larry were boyfriends!! Throughout most of high school and up until he died. We were NOT brothers in my canon! Our parents never got together!
  • My dad was super supportive of me being a guy. He bought me a binder and always pestered me about it to make sure I was being safe. "Sal did you take your binder off when you got home? Remember to give yourself a break. Remember not to wear it to sleep. I can buy you a swim binder if you need one." What a dad. He was bisexual too so he was totally cool with me being gay.
  • I don't think I identified as a guy when my mom was alive, or at least I hadn't come out yet. She used to tease me about being a tomboy.
  • All the adults in the apartment were pretty cool with me being a dude. They said things once in awhile that, looking back were kinda casually transphobic and would probably make most other people uncomfortable but honestly I didn't really care. I knew they weren't trying to be malicious.
  • The only person who was really against me, Larry, and Todd being LGBT+ was Travis.
  • Me and Larry smoked weed pretty often, usually after we had sex and/or while listening to music. Ash would smoke once in awhile with us, and Todd tried it a couple times but didn't like it very much.
  • I don't remember what my face looked like under the mask. I don't really like to think about it. I think it might've been the dog attack that messed me up but I'm not sure. I can't remember if one of my eyes were glass or not.
  • I unbuckled the bottom clasp of my mask when I wanted to eat or smoke, and kind of held my mask out just a little in order to reach my mouth. Honestly I usually just avoided doing anything involving my face around people, if I could help it. One time I pulled my mask back down over my face before I exhaled when me and Larry were smoking, and the smoke came out my eye holes. It was sick.
  • Ash, Larry, and Todd all saw my face at least once. In that order. I was totally comfortable being maskless around Ash, it took some convincing for me to be maskless around Larry, and I never liked to be maskless around Todd. He never said anything about it, but I could tell it grossed him out and made him uncomfortable.
  • I don't think it was the dog attack that killed my mother. It was something more serious than that. She died in the hospital.
  • When I was in the hospital I had to be on a steady liquid diet for quite awhile. It fucking sucked.
  • I didn't like my face, it certainly made me uncomfortable if I thought about it, but what bothered me the most was people's reactions to it. If it weren't for that I probably wouldn't have worn my mask. That was why I was so comfortable taking my mask off with Ash because she didn't try to pretend it didn't exist, she embraced it. One time she was trying to do my makeup and she kept making jokes about how hard it was because I was so fucked looking and I couldn't stop cracking up. Larry was more the type to ignore it and treat me like it didn't exist and that was fine, but Ash made me feel like it was a weird quirk. I loved it.
  • Ash was nonbinary of some sort? I think genderfluid? Cool with any pronouns, but some days were clearly a more masculine day, and the rest of us were pretty in-tune with using he/him pronouns on those days.
dec 25 2018 ∞
sep 3 2020 +