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now i feel you by my side and i don't even care if it's been a while. i can feel that we've changed and we're better this way.

listography NEW NEWS


  • "The first time Lucas sees him, the idiot’s about to be swindled by a street vendor and pick-pocket-Polly (not to be confused with pick-pocket-Patty) has taken off with his wallet. Well… maybe it’s not the first time Lucas sees him, but it might as well be."
  • "Lucas can’t help the chuckle that escapes him and with a sigh he stops and turns to face him. The young man mirrors his movements and they stand looking directly at one another for the first time. Lucas should have prepared better for it but it’s still a little shocking. Seeing his face. In person. Like this. Though perhaps nothing could have prepared him for the sight."
  • "Lucas asks as his laughter tapers off and he once more meets the young man’s eyes. Neither green nor blue – sometimes almost grey – Lucas remembers not being sure of their exact colour."
  • "“I’m Eliott by the way.” He’s not even using a fake name. An hour might have been too generous."
  • "“Lucas,” Is that the first time Eliott’s said his name? It feels like the first time, “I don’t have my wallet. I don’t have any money to pay.”"
  • "Them and food vendors you decide to rob.” Lucas shrugs and honestly, he should win an award for how well he’s keeping his face under control."
  • "His eyes have always adjusted to darkness quickly, perhaps some sort of twisted gift from the gods who knew he’d live so much of his own life blanketed in shadows. "
  • "Eliott rolls his eyes. Four. “If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people. Virginia Woolf,” Eliott quotes primly. “I’m being entirely truthful.” Oh. Ouch. That one hit a little too close to home. Lucas masks his discomfort with a smile and turns to lead them further into the building. “Come along then, Ms. Woolf. This wallet isn’t going to save itself.”"
  • Lucas turns back to continue leading them down the alley. “How is it possible no one knows though? Like you’ve gotta be… how old?” Twenty-six. “Twenty-six.” Eliott replies."
  • "“I mean, I guess it’s different for everyone, but I’d had it pretty sorted by thirteen,” Lucas remarks remembering the circumstances that lead to that particular revelation. “I only lasted a few years before I was near ready to explode. Sixteen. That’s how long I made it until I was shouting it to anyone who would listen. I don’t think there’s anyone in my life who doesn’t know now. And anyone who wasn’t good with it were cut a long time ago.”"
  • "“Idriss?” Eliott replies, moving slightly forward and beside Lucas. Lucas’s arm swings out of its own volition, blocking Eliott from moving any closer towards the man. Lucas sees the man – Idriss – tense in response, his own stance repositioning. The movement is familiar. This man is equipped for a fight."
  • "“Why?” Lucas interrupts. “Why is his safety your responsibility? Why would you track him?” Lucas thinks he knows but he’ll enjoy them trying to talk their way out of this anyways."
  • “You don’t need my number, sassling,” Lucas replies with a crooked smile. “Trust me. You’ll do better without it.”
  • "


  • "Which Lucas knew of course but it was worth it for the humour relaxing her posture"
  • "Hating the Royal Family becomes much more challenging when multiple members of said family feel the need to be so damn… nice."
  • "Lucas is aware – well, everyone is aware – the King passed when the twins were still in infancy. They’d never had an opportunity to truly know him."
  • "Another Prince, Lucas thinks. It makes sense. That Eliott should fall for someone of the same social status. Someone like him. How it was always intended to be. That the Queen should object solely because the object of Eliott’s desire is a man is an unsurprising to Lucas as it is enraging. "
  • "He looks good. Somehow more himself, though Lucas isn’t sure how he could come to that assessment. _You don’t know him. Remember that._"
  • "Eliott’s face splits into a grin that has his eyes scrunching happily. It’s worth the interrogation he knows Yann is preparing – that smile – it’s worth it."


  • "He doesn’t want to imagine what they’d do if they knew the circumstances under which Eliott and Lucas had truly become acquainted."
  • "“It was one conversation. ONE.” Yeah, Lucas really can’t tell him about the rest."
  • "It suddenly feels distinctly like Lucas has revealed too much. The way Eliott is staring at him so intensely makes him feel stripped bare, exposed for all to see. “Eh.” He shrugs. “I guess a bit. Mostly I just like that creepy painting of that dude eating that littler dude.” Saturn Devouring His Son. “Saturn Devouring His Son,” Eliott smiles. “Goya painted that on his wall, you know?”"
  • "Lucas does know. “Imagine being invited over for dinner at someone’s place and seeing that on the dining room wall?” They both laugh. “Bon Appetit!”"
  • "I love that story!” Eliott crows happily. “And I can take you. We can go right now!” Lucas laughs uneasily. Nope. Not happening. “As much as I’d love to go see this magical library, I do actually have a job I’m supposed to be doing.” He gestures vaguely at the cars surrounding them. “Oh,” Eliott doesn’t try to hide his disappointment, pout immediately forming on his face. “Right.” “Another time, yeah?” “Yeah?” Eliott perks up. “When?” “I dunno,” Lucas replied vaguely. “We’ll figure it out. I’m around, yeah?”"
  • "“Well if the Queen ever sees you carrying dishes, you’ve never met me before in your life, got it?” Lucas threatens teasingly, helping him stack the plates in a more manageable pile. Eliott chuckles. “You’ll never seem my mother back in this area of the Palace, don’t worry.” Lucas hums. He sure hopes that remains true."
  • " Lucas asks curiously. It’s not the first time he’s wondered what that would be like for the Prince, but it’s the first time he’s considered the ramifications – the potential backlash. His own experience coming out to his family had not been a pleasant one – and he hadn’t had to concern himself with the reaction of an entire country."
  • "Lucas can’t help but wonder if it’s Eliott’s feelings for the apparent mystery man that are driving his desire to be more open about his sexuality. It would make sense if that were the case. Lucas certainly can’t blame him. Only once has he ever entertained the idea of someone else being important enough to him to take such a terrifying leap of faith. The intensity of his feelings at the time had emboldened him in a way he never would have imagined. But he had been young and stupid. Eliott is far older, and with a plethora of resources at his disposal to make the process easier."
  • "The Italian Prince. The Italian Prince Daphne thinks is the object of Eliott’s affection? Suddenly, what seemed like improbable gossip from the least credible source takes on new shape and significance in Lucas’s mind."
  • "Lucas nods. He gets it, is the thing. Love has a way of turning worlds upside down, destroying walls carefully built, throwing lives into chaos."
  • "No one. That’s what Eliott had said. He’s no one. It’s a good reminder. A necessary reminder. He’s no one. No one to Eliott."
  • "Eliott didn’t do a thing to defend or protect Lucas, and Lucas had thought they were – well, friends or whatever-the-fuck. There’s no way he could trust Eliott with this."


  • "Lucas doesn’t get him. What does he want? What is it he expects? That Lucas should wait on him hand and foot, meanwhile he can do whatever the fuck he wants and ditch lunch plans whenever the mood strikes? That he’s the one always calling the shots?"
  • "Bipolar? “What? I mean – you are?” Since when?"
  • "Fifteen? Lucas would have been thirteen. His world tilts on its axis before it rights itself again, this time in a new order"
  • "“I thought you dated.” Lucas speaks without conscious thought."
  • "“What – is it not true?” Lucas looks back to Eliott. He knows it’s true. Lucas knows it’s not just Palace gossip. He knows the very truth of Eliott and Lucille’s early relationship like a flare-up from a long-forgotten injury. Like a knee that starts to ache when it’s going to rain."
  • "“Yeah,” Eliott smiles at her before looking back at Lucas. “Lucille and I starting ‘dating’,” he motions with fingers to emphasize the quotation marks around the word, “when we were thirteen. We broke up when I was fifteen – when everything happened with – um,” he looks briefly to Manon and she smiles softly at him in support, “when I had a manic episode and we realized I was unwell.”"
  • "“Outside of your class bracket.” It makes him sick to say it. And the reminder of why he’s always despised this institution feels like a slap in the face. Like a very necessary reminder after having gotten too comfortable in his own cushy situation in the Palace."
  • [...]" God every single parent in this situation sound like fucking assholes, utterly selfish pricks. Their children’s happiness likely never having been a consideration in any of their decisions or actions. While Lucas can relate, he also knows the opposite. He has unconditional love in his life and with a pang he thinks of his mother and an overwhelming need to go visit her nearly smothers him."
  • "“Uh, yeah.” A hand goes to his hair and Lucas ruffles it nervously. “Sorry I guess I forgot to mention that was sort of part of the gossip that’s spread.” Surely that’s not a bad thing, though? Not if Eliott wants to force the situation. “Everyone knows about the man you’re – uh –” It shouldn’t be difficult to say. But the words – in love with – they chafe, “well, that it’s the Italian Prince. Niccolò.”"
  • "Manon laughs and Lucas grins in response, looking back to see if Eliott is doing the same. Instead he finds Eliott’s eyes are indeed on him, but he doesn’t look like he’s even heard Lucas’s last comment. He’s staring at him intently but as though his mind is a million years away."
  • "“You called me cute. You think I’m cute when I’m drunk?” Eliott bites his lower lip again. Fuck. Does he always have to do that?!"
  • "[...]In all honestly Lucas had sort of forgotten she was sitting there. Again. It’s not his fault. Conversation with Eliott tends to be all-consuming, and Manon is just… quiet… and sneaky. Always silently observing."
  • "It’s just that the idea of someone taking advantage of Eliott like that … the idea that someone could have with how vulnerable and… willing, Eliott had been… the knowledge prickles on Lucas’s skin like a rash."
  • "“But I won’t. I have you.” Eliott looks so sure as he says it. As though there’s no question Lucas is enough to protect him. It’s the exact thing Lucas feared. Exactly the expectation he doesn’t want to foster in Eliott. And exactly the responsibility Lucas doesn’t want resting on his shoulders."
mar 24 2020 ∞
aug 17 2020 +