So today I dreamed that

Well there was something before that I don’t remember much (just that there was this guy I really liked but he did something to me and I was trying to prove he had a gun or something like this)

But then I was in a place and there was a portal. I was with two guys, a friend and my boyfriend (not my irl boyfriend). He was very strong and wore skin tight clothes that had kinda short shorts. In my head I was in a Welcome to Night Vale screening but of course I was inside of it.

So this other guy was like yeah I got inside and closed the portal and everything’s okay. So my boyfriend guy got up and somehow ripped the portal’s seal and it opened and release two giant red demons, but they were like graffiti in the walls.

But he just grabbed me and started to run and we’d run through these wall portals and he knew where he was going but I was so afraid we’d end up bumping into the wrong walls or something.

So we got into this big room and more people would come and everyone huddled together. I was close to this lady in a pink dress and I just told her I was super scared.

My boyfriend was very protective (and saw I was scared) so he sat almost standing with his leg over me, and I started to kiss around his knee to calm him. He was kind of the town hero or something, cause people would come talk to him.

In my head I was like why are we running from graffiti??? But then the walls started thumping and it got very dark and the demons entered and we had to fight them. There were more than one and they weren’t as big as before. My boyfriend would fight around carrying me in his arms (idk how) (also not bridal style, he carried me the way you carry a kid) and I got to help him by opening one’s mouth wide and wide and wide until it broke, but I couldn’t see much because of the darkness. The fight ended and everyone sat on a big couch that was there (me on bf’s lap because he wouldn’t let me go and I wasn’t caring much so) and there were some old people offering us cigarretes to celebrate (???). But then it got scary again because the floor started to thump and wave too.

Then I woke up.

oct 6 2021 ∞
oct 6 2021 +