Seriously, Don’t act like you care, and then don’t care. Don’t go all Katy Perry on me. You’re better than that. Say hi to me once in a while It’s not that hard. I’m putting myself out there, embarrassing myself to no end. Acting like a complete idiot to get your attention. I’m better than that. Don’t be so smug and cool, in your colourful kicks, stripped ski hats and a smirk on your face. Just don’t. Just don’t act all funny and cute and flirty and nice. And then act like a dick the next day. I’m worth more than that. Don’t make me want to be with you one moment and the next hate your guts. Because I think We would be good together Maybe Quite possibly But I don’t know. I don’t know how you feel So Just Tell me already It doesn’t matter what your answer is I can always avoid you for the rest of the year Ive gotten quite good at that But maybe you see something in the mess that is me, Like I see things in the mess that is you, Because we’re all messes in this screwed up world that is adolescence. So take the chance that you’ll fall flat straight on your ass. Because this is the only life we’ve got, We should be spending every minute, every second, Trying, failing, falling for someone. It could all be worth it in the end.

jan 20 2010 ∞
jan 25 2010 +