100-90 !! Im doing super good !! No stress here my dude

90-80 Im doing great !!


Im doing okay!! I'd like to be talked to!!

70-60 I feel on the fence. Not bad, not good, but please speak to me!

60-50 Not feelin too fresh,, Please talk to me

50-30 I feel bad,, If you talk to me I'll either be really happy or I won't reply

30-15 Im doing bad,,, i might not reply but please reach out

15-0 Im at my worst,, not in the mood for speaking no matter how unhealthy that may be for me

Shifts to look out for to see if im not feeling to fresh:

Asriel ( sad, depressed, but can be happy sometimes)

Giffany ( mad, upset, but again,, can be happy)

jasper ( upset, longing for something, sad, but very rarely can mean good)

oct 13 2017 ∞
oct 13 2017 +