- i made a long ass list and then i accidentally lost it before i could save it
- sad panda
- anyway
- listography is my go-to in times of desperation
- this is definitely one of those times
- you know, i printed out your list from february 10 and i carry it around in my journal
- i pull it out and read it when i'm feelin down
- needless to say, i've been pulling it out a lot lately
- haaaaa
- so
- ojos azules
- oculi caeruli
- yeux bleus
- which language says it the shittiest?
- cause it's pretty shitty
- regina spektor actually wrote a song about this very subject
- "silly eye-colour generalizations"
- look it up
- i pretty much agree with everything she has to say on the matter
- lucky for you, megan has those gorgeous green eyes
- if only i could find a green-eyed boy
- or just a good old-fashioned brown-eyed man
- i'm not trying to put too much value in these superficial things
- but this symbolism is making me superficial
- you know?
- anyway
- how are you?
- best news of the day: i get to see you tomorrow and hear all about your life
- like the outcome of your security guard test!!
- i really hope you get employed
- you definitely want it enough
- i'll trade you a crush bold for a canadian camel
- :)
- the name of my religion is just a ten-letter word
- and discretion is the name of my cement-feathered bird
- if you didn't hear, then fuck whatever's heard
- ahhhh i love slug
- i can't listen to "the number one" anymore, can you?
- it's too sad and i'm too old
- nobody sees tears when you're standing in a storm
- the only thing that makes sense now is godlovesugly
- do you still have the mannigan?
- i liked the mannigan
- i have your altamont jacket
- i'm thinking about wearing it tomorrow
- if it's clean
- HA like that matters
- i'm going to wear it anyway
- it makes me feel safe and happy and WARM
- the cold and the insanity are too much sometimes
- you know how it is
- waiting for the parents to sleep so you can go out for a smoke break
- i wonder what you're doing right at this exact moment
- hopefully you're warm and happy
- the latter is a lot to ask for
- believe me, i know
- but i hope nevertheless
- so
- the marriage project is due a week from today
- i have done 7% of it
- fuck
- plus i have a bunch of other shit due next week as well
- i don't even want to think about it
- i want to curl up into a little ball in my bed and disappear
- but i can't
- and i won't because i'm going to see you tomorrow so it'll be okay
- love you
- talk to you soon
- <3
dec 6 2011 ∞
jan 21 2012 +