(-‿◦) what can i say to you other than, thank you. thank you for every little thing you've done for me, it brings tears to my eyes knowing that there's a person like you who have made me feel like i'm actually loved my someone in this world, no one has ever even tried to make me feel important in their lifes until you came into it, we may not be the closest right now, but you can never. never forget. how much i love you and want you to be happy, you get sad, you get hurt, you are insecure, but that can't stop you from being the wonderful person you are right now. never forget you have us in your life, here to love and support everything you do. baekhyun and i love and want the best for you forever and always. thank you again, i love you

oct 21 2017 ∞
oct 21 2017 +