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Love & Desire in Early Modern England

  • 200 words on 'they flee from me'
  • compile wyatt notes

German Philosophy

  • read 'discourse on philosophy'
    • notes
  • read 'letter to arnauld'
    • notes
  • read 'remarks on berkely's principles'
    • notes
  • read 'leibniz-clarke corresp.'
    • notes
  • continental idealism: introduction
    • notes
  • continental idealism: chapter 1
    • notes

Varieties of English Grammar

  • 'science language and linguistic culture'
    • notes
  • prep. tutorial notes on mcdonald & love
  • latin lessons
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
mar 9 2009 ∞
jul 22 2009 +