• nana lee (nana)
  • she/her, they/them
  • biromantic asexual
  • smug, romantic, aesthetically inclined
  • likes skirts, the color pink, and feminine clothing


  • andrew lee (andy)
  • they/them, he/him
  • panromantic asexual
  • confused, concerned, caring
  • likes baggy hoodies, the color red, and androgynous clothing


  • cam lee (cam)
  • he/him
  • homoromantic greysexual
  • stubborn, impatient, socially inept
  • likes collared button-downs, the color green, and masculine clothing

to explain, these are all technically the same person: me. but these identities are separate because of the way they act and present. i don't think i have DID, because they aren't alters or actually different people. it's confusing, but i don't think it's a case as extreme as having DID simply because they aren't completely separate.

jul 5 2017 ∞
aug 3 2017 +