Sorry Maddy. I'll begin with you, since I stole the idea.

  • John Ficenec-You are so ever intelligible, you know everything and always have the answers to the toughest questions in life. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't know how to take a photograph, play the guitar, or basically do anything. YOU COMPLETE ME!
  • Maddy Witte- I sat for the longest time thinking about what to write because you are just all kinds of wonderful. You are always so put-together, from your outfits to school. You are so cute and so fun to be around and enlighten every bad situation. And that, I am quite thankful for.
  • Camile Messerley- Words can't describe our friendship at all. You are literally a sister to me. You mean more than the world to me. I know often it seems like I'm dissing you and I'm being mean, but it's because I think you are perfect and I can't find any flaws in you so I make them up because I'm weird. Stay perfect please. You say this a lot and sadly it's true but I would honestly be nowhere without you. I'd probably be laying in my bed, waiting for people to talk to me. Your morals are good, your advice is amazing and actually works, and you have a good heart, which makes you so wonderful and you don't even realize it. Hopefully, you don't read this because I know you are going to look at me smiling saying "Alllllllllllllllbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrttttttttt."
  • Lissa D- Sorry. I am NOT very good at spelling like a normal human. From the moment we met in 4th grade (I think), I knew you were special. I am jealous of your individualism and how you look so cute doing it. :) I honestly think you are genuinely cool, like seriously. And the coolest part is that you don't even try. That's just who you are, and it never ceases to amaze me.
  • Eva Phillips- Oh my god I want your life. Everything about your life seems so put together and like well thought out. But you are so friendly and healthy and happy all the time. Actually for the longest time I wanted to be friends with you because I thought you were so fun and interesting. And now I actually have to pleasure of saying, "Yeah. I know Eva! We're really close". I mean, you are just a cute son of a gun! From your hair (which is SOOOOO CUTE YOU HAVE NO IDEA), to your clothes, to just your personality. In my eyes, you are the definition of a good human being.
  • Reba Boocker- I don't think I've ever called you Rebecca. Now what do I have to say about Reba Boocker. One) I may be spelling your name wrong.... Two) I love having you around. From when we dance in the halls together, to when we are sitting in your basement telling Camile to "Flush the shit" and that "We are the plungers". If I ever make a band, it will be named that. I honestly am so glad I met you. You never bring me down. You are so fun and joyful, even your smile can brighten my day. You are the best can of soup I've ever had and I intend on keeping it until it gets gross and moldy. Then I'll still keep it. I won't eat the soup, but I'll keep it forever in my cabinet of life (I feel like you are the only person who would get that/ find it funny).
  • Grace Evans- I dunno if you realize this as much as I do, but I think you are so pretty. I remember sitting in your basement and we were talking about boyfriends and you were like no one would date me because I'm something or other. But every time we go and sit down for lunch, I just look up at you, I mean your tall and fit and have gorgeous long hair. And the prettiest part of you is that you have the best personality. If there was a plastic surgeon that could make me look like you, I would pay every dollar I have.
oct 6 2011 ∞
oct 9 2011 +