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I'm a cinematic nerd and a lover of great live music. I try to stay healthy, but I can't turn down craft beer, red wine or pizza. I love sports and try to stay active. I just completed my first Marathon. Surfing is one of my favorite hobbies, even though I'm not very good and don't get to go too often. I have a passion for innovative Tech companies big and small where I can collaborate with a t...

listography NEW NEWS
  • Breaking my two front teeth when falling in the pool.
  • Running into the concrete wall in the middle of an intense basketball game.
  • Turning orange from using self tanner and being called "creamsicle"
  • Ripping the skin off my nose from a pore strip and being called "Rudolph"
  • Slicing my finger open on a can of tuna fish when no one was home.
  • Breaking my two front teeth during cheerleading practice.
  • Flipping over a table while waitressing at Friday's.
  • Getting duct taped to a chair at Friday's.
  • Getting locked in the phone booth at Friday's.
  • Having a fork tied to my apron and not realizing it at Fridays.
  • Having some boy knock out my front teeth for the LAST time.
  • Getting a little tipsy in London and walking into a sign on the street.
feb 27 2008 ∞
feb 27 2008 +