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I'm a cinematic nerd and a lover of great live music. I try to stay healthy, but I can't turn down craft beer, red wine or pizza. I love sports and try to stay active. I just completed my first Marathon. Surfing is one of my favorite hobbies, even though I'm not very good and don't get to go too often. I have a passion for innovative Tech companies big and small where I can collaborate with a t...

listography NEW NEWS
  • Don't believe people when they say you are their friend until they prove it.
  • Its never too late to be pleasently surprised.
  • Embrace who and what you value, don't waste time on the rest.
  • Don't underestimate the power of being romantically swept off your feet.
  • Its more important to do what feels right rather than think it over too much.
  • Age is like truth... its all relative.
  • The most important thing is to be satisfied with how you lived each and every year of your life.
  • Words are just words.
  • Things always change.
  • Life goes on, no matter what.
  • Money is a weapon of the devil, but necessary to accomplish good.
  • People will surprise you sometimes
  • Don't give up too quickly
  • Second chances are vital, but third chances are foolish
  • Friends may exist forever, but that doesn't mean they are always there.
  • Love isn't a tangible term
  • Follow your heart, but don't forget to listen to your mind.
  • Its fine to relax and let go but at some point you need to start moving again
  • Its important to let a man win sometimes
  • It is equally important to not appear inferior or incompetent
  • The hardest part may be just to believe, but it is necessary
  • Everything happens for a reason... most likely
  • Forgive whole heartedly, but never be blinded to the truth
  • As much as you think you know, realize that you know nothing for sure.
jan 25 2011 ∞
feb 1 2011 +