-Ian I was four years old...

-Ryan My first semi boyfriend

-Oliver Never liked me back but was nice to me

-Krystian I attempted to ask him out but he didn't understand me (foreign)

-Aran Asked me out for a joke but actually liked me.

-Hamish Always flirted with me-made it pretty obvious to everyone too

-Johnny Annoyed me as a way of saying he liked me

-Fergus Bit of a love/hate thing here

-Michael Doesn't really know me

-Iain I have no idea what he thinks of me. Probably not much

-Darren Probably doesn't know anything more about me than my name

-Lee Sort of friends, we talk sometimes.

-Currently not liking anyone because I have decided I am probably more of a man than any of these guys. (They weren't gay I'm just very manly and they see me as a guy too. Well, probably.)

-If you know me in person I will kill you. With my ninja skills.

mar 24 2013 ∞
mar 24 2013 +