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information page for amaranthe system, a traumagenic DID system. all edited by the host, yosa. all information provided by yosa themselves, friends + family, and members of the system.

  • POSITION: frontrunner, possible protector. part of the "hair messier than their life" trio.
  • AGE: 19 - 22 age slider
  • DOB: unknown, self-proclaimed libra
  • GENDER: demiboy. he / him or xe / xer
  • SEXUALITY: "yosasexual and yoitesexual" ( aromantic pansexual )
  • EXCLUSIVE DISORDERS: histrionic personality disorder, displays some symptoms of antisocial personality disorder, though it's uncertain if he has this as well, or if his histrionic symptoms are VERY prominent.
  • STATUS: single.

the BIGGEST oddball out of the main trio of fronters. by default, he's very happy-go-lucky, happy to socialize, and loves to invest his time in getting to know and befriend other people. despite this, he has trouble, and frankly -- no interest, in trying to understand the emotions of others, typically. when he's spent enough time around someone, he picks up on the certain signs of certain people's emotions, and if they're lucky, are catered to accordingly. while happily extravagant, he's the quickest to snap into being violent and hostile, and has the capability to lock other system members away, ensuring he's able to act on his emotions and impulses without consequence. he not nearly as dangerous as he once was, but it's best to stay cautious. he idolizes yosa obsessively, and will openly state he's madly in love with them. his protective sense over them is extremely high, but is very destructive in his ways, feeling that he's the only one allowed to hurt them. formerly sexually abusive to yosa and yoite, but as stated, is not as dangerous as he was formerly.

oct 15 2016 ∞
jan 12 2017 +