• Absalom

Absalom was said to have been the handsomest man in all of Israel. There was no blemish on him. But in his heart, there was a big blemish: rebellion. He wanted to be king. He set David’s general’s field on fire. He secretly raised up men around him, and he would stand outside the court and persuade people that only he could help them. Then he rose up against his own father, King David, and made himself king. He publicly defiled David’s household. He did nasty things for everyone to see. Eventually, Absalom was killed. Instead of being a good son, he plotted against his own father.

  • Solomon

Unlike his brother Absalom, Solomon had a heart after the things of the Lord. The Lord was so taken with Solomon that He appeared to him in a dream one night, and He asked Solomon that He would give him anything he asked. Solomon asked for wisdom. The Lord was so blessed by his answer that He promised Solomon a reign of peace and riches. He built the house of the Lord and was so famous for his wisdom people came from far to hear it. Solomon wrote a portion of the book of Proverbs and the book of Ecclesiastes. His most well-known book however is his romantic and intimate book Song of Solomon. Solomon means “Peace” ------

  • Laban

Laban was the father of Rachel and Leah. When Jacob happened to meet Rachel, he fell for her. She was beautiful. But Laban told Jacob he would have to work 7 years for her. When the time came for Jacob to marry Rachel, Laban tricked him and Jacob found himself married to Rachel’s older sister Leah instead. Jacob was angry needless to say, but all Laban said was it wasn’t proper for a younger daughter to be married before the older. Then Laban made Jacob work another 7 years for Rachel. Laban on the surface pretended to treat Jacob as a son, but in reality Jacob was used to benefit Laban. Laban was a selfish man who thought only of himself.

  • Caleb

When Moses brought the people of Israel out of Egypt, they eventually came to the outskirts of the Land of Canaan, the land that god had promised them. Moses sent 12 spies into the land to learn about it. When the spies 10 of them gave a pessimistic report. The land was inhabited by mighty giants and they would never be able to conquer it. Two of the spies, however, said the land was just flowing with good fruit and was a blessed place. And that if the Lord had promised them that land, then not even the inhabitants could stand in the way. These men were Caleb and Joshua. They both had a great faith in the lord. There is some confusion to the meaning of the name Caleb. Several possible meanings include 'dog', 'servant of the lord' and 'whole hearted' ------

  • Judas

Jesus had 12 men He brought to Himself. He taught them and discipled them. He loved them and cared for them. He wanted so many good things for them because they were his friends and disciples. But one of thse men betrayed Him to His death. That man was Judas. Judas betrayed Jesus for a mere 30 pieces of silver. Afterwards, he felt a pang of remorse at his decision, so while Jesus was being killed Judas went and commited suicide. He was a conspirator and was a sly and selfish man.

  • Lazarus

Lazarus is a great example of the wonders that having faith can bring. Lazarus and his sisters were loved by Jesus. Word came to Jesus that Lazarus had become ill and died. Jesus went to him and Lazarus had already been in a tomb 4 days. Jesus went up to the tomb and called out for Lazarus, and people rolled away the stone and Lazarus came out. Lazarus means “God Has Helped”

jun 26 2011 ∞
aug 5 2011 +